A Man Under Authority, Matt 8:9

The centurion in Matt 8 was a man under authority.  Though, he had 100 soldiers under him, he spoke, not of his authority over them, but of himself under the authority of his superior officer.  The Lord blessed this man’s faith and healed his servant. In our lives we have...

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Commands, Instructions, Closing, Heb 13

Heb 13 is very much like 1 Thes 5:12-28 and Rom 12:9-21, for instance.  Each of the verses from 1 to 17 are a succession of divers commands and instructions as Paul brings this letter to a close.  These “bullet points” are unlike the the former chapters.  Paul has finished...

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Shushan Was Perplexed, Est 3:8-15

Shushan Was Perplexed Est 3: 8-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Haman had convinced King Ahasuerus to let him write a decree to destroy all of the Jews, men, women, and children, in his provinces and to take the spoil of them into the king’s treasures.  The decree was to be published...

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The Joys of the Ministry, Phil 2:1-2d

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON There are lots of pressures, prayers, griefs, and heartaches in the work of the ministry.  Sometimes, pastors think it would just be easier to be an evangelist, so that they wouldn’t have to get wrapped up in all the problems. ...

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Obedient Children, Eph 6:1-4

In Eph 6:1-4 we will study God’s command to children that they obey their parents.   Children, you are to obey your parents three ways. Obey your parents in the Lord – Eph 6:1 – this command to children is in the context of commands to husbands and wives, Eph...

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A Study in the Book of Esther : Lesson 1

A Study in the Book of Esther : Lesson #1 Comparing Esther and Vashti (Chapters 1&2) In this study of the book of Esther we are going to look at many different practical and spiritual applications that can be applied to us in the day and age which we live....

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