How to Stand, 1 Thes 3:8

How to Stand How to Stand In 1 Thes 3:8 Paul wrote, “For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord”.  There are a few things in life and in the ministry that compel a man to keep on preaching and ministering the word of God.  Of course,...

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Three Spiritual Connections, 1 Cor 6:17

When you are saved, you are joined in a couple of spiritual connections.  And when you are saved and married, you have a third spiritual union.  These spiritual connections must be understood and safeguarded.   You are spiritually connected to Jesus – 1 Cor 6:17, He that is joined to...

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One in Christ Acts 4:31-32

One in Christ Acts 4:31-32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Acts 4:32 we find that “the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul…” As a matter of fact, they were of one spirit, one mind and one accord, as well. That’s because they were one in Christ....

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