Reproof of Life Prov 6:23, 15:31

Reproof of Life Prov 6:23, 15:31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The reproofs of instruction [Prov 6:23] are also called the reproof of life [Prov 15:311].  You need reproof in order to live.  Reproofs are a vital part of life. From where do reproofs come?  Reproofs come from: The Holy Spirit –...

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Guides Ps 48 :14

Guides Ps. 48: 14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God will guide you, if you will follow him.  He guides the meek [Ps 25:9], those who are submissively obedient.  He can’t guide you if you won’t follow.  The following will guide you: God will guide you – Ps 48:14 – God himself...

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Authorities In Your Life Gen 41:37-40

Authority Gen 41:37-40 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO All men and women are under authority and there are good consequences for yielding or bad consequences for disobeying the authorities in our lives. When Joseph was promoted to “rule” in Egypt, he was still under authority [Gen 41:40-41].  He was set over all...

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Children Obey Your Parents Eph.6:1-3

Ephesians 6:1-3 Children Obey Your Parents CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul gives great advice on family relations.  The exhortation is to fathers and children – the obedience and honor is to Mom and Dad.  Often dads leave the spiritual training to mom – Big mistake.  It is the dad’s responsibility.  Ok,...

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Parents and Children Mal. 4:5-6

Parents & Children Mal. 4:5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Youth work involves working with parents and children. The reason is that parents have the greatest influence over their children’s: Hearts – Mal 4:6 – fathers need to love their children – fathers must turn their hearts to their children in hopes...

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Don’t Mock Sin Prov.14:9

Don’t Mock Sin Prov.14:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Fools make a mock at sin.  If you don’t want to be a fool, don’t mock sin.  Here are some ways fools laugh at, make fun of and deride sin.  They change the names to get rid of the transgression.  Drunkards aren’t sinners, they...

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Parents of a Prodigal Luke 15:11

Parent of a Prodigal Luke 15:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What do you do if you find out that you are the parents of a prodigal?  This is a problem that many families face today and we need to find the answer to this question in the Bible.  Our text for...

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Godly versus Worldly Education

Parents are Responsible for their Children’s Education Neither the government, the church, the youth pastor, the sunday school teacher, or the pastor are responsible for your child’s education.  Parents suffer the consequences of a foolish child and reap the benefits of a wise one.  The responsibility is the parents and...

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Practical Parenting Eph. 6:4

Practical Parenting Eph 6:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Tonight, I’m going to give you some instruction on practical parenting and unfortunately, for my children, some of these good things I learned too late to benefit them. The Bible must be central to all you do at all times – Deut...

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Obey Your Authorities Deut. 11:18-20

Obey Your Authorities Deut. 11:18-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In life, the Lord has given you authorities to guide you, to protect you and to care for your well-being and the well-being of others.  You are to obey your authorities in this life.  When you do things will go well for you....

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