Robbing Mom and Dad Prov. 28: 24

Robbing Mom & Dad Prov. 28: 24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 28:24, the destroyer is the devil – you are his companion when you are robbing Mom and Dad.  You must recognize that “It is a transgression” to do what you have done to them – therefore, you need...

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Train Up A Child Prov. 22: 6

Train Up A Child Prov. 22:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO To train up a child is all important – the Bible says that you have to TRAIN them – not just discipline them or punish them – and it says that you have to train them in the way that they...

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Parental Guidance: Five Duties of Parents

Isaiah 5:2 Parenting is essentially creating an environment suitable for growth because there is no “silver bullet” guarantee.  Jacob and Esau were raised in the same home.  These five things that God did with Israel do show us a parent’s duty though.    1 – Fenced It Clearly defined guidelines – Ignoring...

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Cursing Your Parents Prov. 20: 20

Cursing Mom & Dad Prov. 20:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Instead of cursing your parents, you should follow what the Bible says.  The Bible gives you clear instructions about your relationship with mom and dad.  Moms and Dads have a good list of what the Lord expects from their children. Your...

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Shepherding Your Child’s Heart (Part 2)

Proverbs 4:23 & Luke 8:4-15 REVIEW: Your Child’s Heart is NOT a blank slate – His natural state is sinful and rebellious. What does that mean? It means it is naturally selfish, seeks out its own comfort at other’s expense and its hopes and dreams are wicked (Genesis 8:21). Galatians...

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Shepherding Your Child’s Heart (Part 1)

Proverbs 4:23 This lesson we will study the heart of a child and how a parent is involved in shepherding their child’s heart. Your Child’s Heart is NOT a blank slate – The second thing to know about your child’s heart is it’s nature is sinful and rebellious. That means...

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Children As Arrows

Psalm 127: 4 Children As Arrows  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon from Ps 127:4 compares children to arrows.  By studying the metaphor, you can learn how to rear children who turn out straight as an arrow.

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