Your Work Shall Be Rewarded II Chron. 15:7

Your Work Shall Be Rewarded II Chron. 15:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Azariah said to Asa, Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded [2 Chr 15:7].  This verse should be an encouragement to keep you going in the work God has...

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Authorities In Your Life Gen 41:37-40

Authority Gen 41:37-40 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO All men and women are under authority and there are good consequences for yielding or bad consequences for disobeying the authorities in our lives. When Joseph was promoted to “rule” in Egypt, he was still under authority [Gen 41:40-41].  He was set over all...

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Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers Eph. 4:11b

Ephesians 4: 11b Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Apostles – ended with the early church (Acts of the Apostles).  Prophets – you’ve got more prophecy in the Bible than anyone knows and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and with the sure word of prophecy you don’t...

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A Pastor’s Joy Phil. 2:1-4

Philippians 2:1-4 A Pastor’s Joy CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul said, “Fulfill ye my joy.”  And the joy was about everyone in the church getting along without the back biting and bickering and division that is so common today.  What he was asking for is a pastor’s dream – a church...

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Managing Cattle and Pastoring a Church

Managing Cattle and Pastoring a Church  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Pastoring a church is very similar to managing a herd of cattle.  Like a ranch manager, the pastor must: Provide Nutrition – Jn 21:15-17, Acts 20:28 and 1 Pet 5:2 tell pastors to feed the sheep.  The King James Bible is...

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Should women be pastors?

No.  The Bible is very clear on this one, but a lot of folks today are not. There are several places where you can see that this answer is true. In 1 Tim 2:11-13, Paul told Timothy, “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not...

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