Enemies at Peace Prov. 16: 7

Enemies at Peace Prov. 16:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 16:7, “When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.”  Today’s lesson is about enemies at peace. The truth is that enemies pursue God’s men to destroy them: The Pharisees delivered Jesus...

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The Woman with the Issue of Blood

The Woman with the Issue of Blood CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The woman with the issue of blood found in Jesus Christ what she could not find in the physicians of the world.  She found in Jesus: His Approachability – v.26-27 – She was spent and he was hard to...

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Be of Good Cheer, Jn 16:31-33

Be of Good Cheer John 16:31-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage comes at the conclusion of the Disciples having been told plainly by Jesus about prayer and His coming departure. It is at this point that the Disciples finally became sure of their belief that Jesus Christ came from God....

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Isaiah 9:1-7 A Child is Born

A Child is Born Isaiah. 9:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In these verses, you are dealing with a passage that is partially fulfilled at the first coming of Jesus and completely fulfilled at his Second Coming.  For instance, v.6 says, “Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is...

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Possess Your Possessions

Israel never fully possessed their possessions in the land of Canaan– the Lord prepared the land for them and gave them victory over their enemies – but some enemies remained – then they went back to the idols – then they were attacked by their enemies – eventually they were...

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Quit Worrying Phil. 4:6-7

Philippians 4:6-7 Quit Worrying CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  A lot of people we meet are concerned and careful about something – many things.  It is in the nature of humans to worry.  Worrying is a sin and reveals a lack of trust in God and a lack of gratitude and a...

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