The Lord’s Presence, Rom 5:1

The Lord’s Presence, Rom. 5: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In our personal experience, the greatest single evidence of the Lord’s presence is peace.  Peace derives from our salvation [Rom 5:1], peace is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit [Gal 5:22], peace is assured to us when we pray...

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Keep The Unity, Eph 4:3

Ps 133:1 how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.  The Lord said this.  He said it is good and pleasant when brethren dwell together in unity.  Brethren dwelling together in unity is like the precious ointment upon the head… skirts of his garments. ...

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But Now

But Now Eph.2:13-22 But now we are in Christ Jesus! Paul explains to the Ephesians the great things that have changed because of Jesus Christ. He said that there was a “wall of partition” between Jews and Gentiles, [verse 14]. He also says that the wall is “the law of...

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Trusting is Believing, Eph 1:12-13

Trusting is Believing In Eph 1:12-13, Paul said they trusted in Christ; they believed in Christ.  Trusting is believing.  The definition of trust is to believe (rely on the truthfulness of) to depend (to place confidence in, rely on) to hope (to hope or expect confidently).  They key to depending...

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We Must Abide in Jesus, Jn 15:5

In Jesus’ instructions to his disciples before his crucifixion, in Jn 15-16, and in his prayer in Jn 17, he mentioned three things about abiding in him that we are going to discuss tonight.  He was not referring to being “in the body” like he revealed to Paul .  These...

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God Has A Plan

God Has A Plan John 6:1-14 Introduction: Pray Read the passage.           Great Account of this miracle, in all four Gospels. [Verse 5-6] Jesus had a plan, and it worked out perfectly. He was never surprised. Every choice that you have ever made, Jesus had a plan! All too often, we devise our plan...

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Keep The Unity of the Spirit, Eph 4:3

When we trusted Christ as our Savior, we were made one with him.  Through the Holy Spirit, we are in the body of Christ and we are members of one another, Rom 12:5; Eph 4:25.  So, without a doubt, there is union.  And that union is unbreakable.  We are sealed...

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Put On The New Man, Col 3:10-15

When we put off the old man, we are to, simultaneously, put on the new man.  You don’t grow as a Christian by just removing the old man or by only denying yourself.  You must put on the new man.   According to Col 3:10, the new man “is renewed...

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Principles When Making Decisions, Ps 46:10

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON When you’re trying to decide something, there are some truths in the Bible that you must follow.  We’ve said many times that your decisions must line up with the Bible, with good counsel, with prayer, and with the unfolding of circumstances (lastly).  These truths about...

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What We Ought To Do, Eph 6:18-24

Paul, in his closing remarks in his letter to the Ephesians, Eph 6:18-24, asks for prayer, mentions that he is sending Tychicus to them, and blesses them with peace and grace.  In these closing remarks, he shows us what we ought to do.  We ought to:  Pray always in the...

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