Keeping the Body Together, Col 3:12-17

Our text is Col 3:12-17.  In Col 3:15, we read, “ye are called in one body.”  The Lord Jesus Christ has called us together into one body.  We are in him and therefore we are connected together.   However, there are many forces working against keeping the body together.  The...

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Keep the Unity of the Spirit, Eph 4:1-7

In Eph 4:1-7, Paul continues writing about the body of Christ.  In this passage, he emphasizes the need to keep the unity of the Spirit.  If we are going to keep the unity of the Spirit, we must: Walk worthy of our calling – Eph 4:1.  Paul wrote, “that ye...

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Encourage Your Spirit, 1 Sam 1:15-18

There are things in your life that will affect your spirit.  And when your spirit gets down, you are in trouble.  We often think that our spirits won’t be lifted until whatever has gotten us down is resolved or is taken away.  But such is not the case.  You can...

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Seek the Lord, Ps 34:8-10

Ps 34:8-10 says, “They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.”  When you seek the Lord, you find: His power – Rom 1:16; 1 Cor 1:18 the gospel is the power of God unto salvation; the preaching of the cross is the power of God.  God is...

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Be Lowly, Ps 138:6

We should be lowly.  Lowly is having a low esteem of one’s own worth; humble; free from pride.  Why you should be lowly: God has respect unto the lowly – Ps 138:6, “though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly.”  This respect is a regard for;...

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Through the Knowledge of God, 2 Pet 1:1-4

As the descendants of Adam, all of us are sinners by nature, and we are all appointed to die [Rom 5:12].  We know good and evil, but we don’t know God.  According to 2 Pet 1:1-4, when we are saved, we can obtain divine things through the knowledge of God. ...

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Living Righteously, 1 Pet 3:8-12

Our text for Sunday school is 1 Pet 3:8-12.  The theme is living righteously.  When you and I were saved, God gave us his righteousness in Jesus Christ.  This is his imputed righteousness.  However, we must live righteously after we are saved by yielding to his righteousness in us and...

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Caution with Open Doors

Caution with Open Doors At one time or another we all pray to God for him to open some door in our life. Caution is needed whenever you find yourself headed for an open door. Did God open it, or did Satan? God opens Doors [2 Cor. 2:12] door of...

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Unsearchable Things of God Rom 11:33

Unsearchable Things of God Rom. 11:33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are many things about God that are unsearchable.  In Rom 11:33 we read about his unsearchable judgments and ways that are past finding out.  In the context of this verse, we read about God’s election of Israel and his marvelous...

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Why Don’t We Have Peace? Jn 14:27

Why Don’t We Have Peace? Jn 14: 27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As Christians, we should be able to walk in the peace that Jesus Christ gave us [Jn 14:27].  His peace is far better than any peace that the world gives.  His peace keeps your heart from being troubled.  So,...

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