Isaiah 65:17-25 Jerusalem A Rejoicing

Jerusalem A Rejoicing Is. 65:17-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, the Lord will create Jerusalem a rejoicing, Is 65:18.  His promise to create Jerusalem is based upon his promise to create new heavens and a new earth after his millennial reign [Is 65:17; 2 Pet...

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Isaiah 52:1-15 He Hath Redeemed Jerusalem

He Hath Redeemed Jerusalem Is. 52:1-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the Lord returns, he will redeem Jerusalem.  According to Is 52:9, he hath redeemed Jerusalem.  And when he redeems Jerusalem he will: Sanctify Jerusalem – Is 52:1 – she will be called the holy city – no more uncircumcised or...

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Beautiful Feet Is. 52:7

Beautiful Feet Is. 52:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Read with Rom 10:14-15.  When God speaks to us of preaching the word of God he does not emphasize the beautiful face, voice, personality, demeanor or dress of the preacher.  He mentions the beautiful feet.  That’s because his feet are shod with the...

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Your Mind and Perfect Peace Is. 26:3

Your Mind & Perfect Peace Is. 26 :3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible says, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”  Perfect peace emanates from your trust in the Lord and your ability to keep your mind stayed on...

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Preeminence of the Lord Jesus Christ Col.1:16

Preeminence of the Lord Jesus Christ Col. 1:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage of scripture glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ in seven ways; each element adding another reason for his preeminence. POWER – By him were all things created… (vs 16) Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things. Paul...

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Loaded with Benefits

Many people, when applying for a job, take into consideration not only the salary but the benefits.  Some people take jobs more for the benefits than they do anything else.  For instance, a woman whose husband is self-employed may take a particular job over another one because of the insurance...

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Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are to trust in the Lord.  When you trust in the Lord you have: Perfect Peace – when you trust in the Lord you will have: The Peace that comes from the Savior – because you will be reconciled to God [Rom...

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The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The fruit of the Spirit is singular fruit, not plural “fruits.”  In other words, when the Holy Spirit is producing this fruit in your life, you will see all aspects of it in varying degrees in your life. First, notice that this...

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The Fruit of Righteousness

The Fruit of Righteousness Phil 1 11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, God gave you His righteousness as a gift [2 Cor 5:21].  That righteousness works inside of us by Jesus Christ to bring forth fruit unto the glory of God [Phil...

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Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth Your parents were keenly aware of your physical growth from your infancy well into your teens. They were mindful to feed you the things that your body needed, to grow correctly. They may have made you stand in the doorway of a closet and mark your height on...

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