Devices of Satan, 2 Cor 2:11

Devices of Satan Paul said in 2 Cor 2:11 that we are not ignorant of the devices of Satan.  However, if I asked you to name some of his devices, you might confess that you are ignorant of his devices.  Therefore, we’ll look at five things the devil might use...

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A Perverse Generation, Lk 9:41

When Jesus and Peter, James, and John came down from the mount of transfiguration, a man with a possessed son cried out to Jesus because his disciples could not cast the spirit out of his son.  In Lk 9:41 Jesus said, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I...

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Watch Your Lips, Prov 17:7

Your lips are the gate keepers of your mouth.  They can either let bad and untoward things come forth from your mouth or they can be used to bring forth good and beneficial things.  Therefore, you need to watch your lips.  There are many different kinds of lips that we...

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Elymas Withstood Them, Acts 13:6-12

Elymas Acts 13:6-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Elymas was the sorcerer who withstood Paul and Barnabas when they came to preach the word of God to Sergius Paulus.  He was “seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith,” [Acts 13:8].  Paul knew what Elymas was up to and he stopped...

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Perverted, Jer 23:36

In the Bible we find that there are several things that are perverted.  Today, we are going to study seven of these.   To pervert means to turn aside or away from what is viewed as good or true or morally right; to corrupt.  Perverse is turned away from what...

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A Perverse Generation, Deut 32:5

In the song of Moses, Deut 32:4-5 says, “He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.  They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children: they are a...

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What Is Truth? John 18:38

Jn 18:38 What Is Truth CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?”  That is a profound question but he didn’t stick around for the answer.  The Bible shows us the answer is: Jesus Christ [Jn 14:6]. God’s word [Jn 17:17]. God’s Holy Spirit [1 Jn 5:6; Jn 16:13]. The Bible also...

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Three Temptations Matt. 4:1-11

Three Temptations Matt. 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that the three temptations of man are the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life [1 Jn 2:16].  These are the three temptations that the devil used against Jesus in the wilderness in Matt...

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Putting Off The Old Man Eph. 4:17-22

Ephesians 4:17-22 Putting Off The Old Man CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The old man is that natural man whose genealogy can be traced back to Adam and he has a walk that is common to all other natural men.  Here is the description concerning his: Mind – Worthless I Cor 3:19-21a Vain...

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Righteousness Exalteth a Nation Prov. 14: 34

Righteousness Exalteth a Nation CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If this verse is true and you know that I believe it is then righteousness exalteth a nation – that is a nation will be exalted in accordance with its righteousness – not its politics, economy, scientific advancements, art, architecture, literature, military, medicine...

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