The God of Abraham Matt 22:31-33

The God of Abraham Matt. 22: 31-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus told the Sadducees that they didn’t believe in the resurrection because they didn’t understand that the God of Abraham is the God of the living, not of the dead. Throughout the Bible, we find references to the God of...

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Grace Be With You 2 Tim 4:22

Grace Be With You II Tim. 4: 22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Grace is the most important provision that the Lord has for us.  We are made from the dust and are, therefore, limited in every capacity to our earthly resources.  For intelligence, we are limited to our brain’s capacity for...

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Preeminence of Christ, Col 1:14-18

Colossians 1:14-18 Preeminence of Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is about the preeminence of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is preeminent: In Redemption – v.14 – he shed his blood for the full redemption of all mankind – Heb 9:13-14; 10-10-14 In Forgiveness – v.14 – he forgave when you...

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The Comforter John 14:16

Comforter John 14:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all like comfort.  Some have comforters on their beds.  People like to stay in their comfort zone.  We like our creature comforts.  Some of us have favorite comfort foods.  People look for something or someone to comfort them when they are hurting.  That’s...

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The Spirit You Have II Tim. 1:7

The Spirit You Have II Tim. 1:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God hasn’t given you the spirit of fear.  Instead, he has given us the spirit of: Power – this is spiritual power Zech 4:6.  It comes from the Holy Spirit and the righteousness of Jesus in us 1 Cor 2:4-5;...

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UN-Tapped Power

UN-Tapped Power Eph. 1:15-19   Paul prays that they will understand “the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward”. When you got saved you were made to have access to a supernatural power that very few of us ever tap into completely. Due to great amounts of false teaching on...

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What a Blessing

What a Blessing Acts. 12:5   Prayer is a blessing. Too often we totally disregard who we are speaking to. We also throw “in Jesus name” in front of Amen as a good Christian sounding sign off. This lesson is a reminder of what a blessing and privilege it is...

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Abundant Power Eph. 3: 20-21

Abundant Power Eph. 3: 20-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO With our abundant life, we are given abundant power.  Many Christians don’t “tap into” the power that worketh in us.  Paul said that with this power, God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.  What is...

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The Fruit of Your Faith II Thess. 1

The Fruit of Your Faith II Thess. 1 Intro: Paul is writing to a church, now more mature than his first letter. They have had time to produce the fruit of their faith We will see that this is a progression, three orderly steps of a process He mentions three...

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Unbelief Rom. 1:16

Unbelief Rom. 1:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know from the Bible that unbelief results in spiritual blindness.  Israel, particularly, suffers from blindness in part because of the failure to believe the words of God and the gospel.  When a person believes the word of God it is the power of...

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