Praise Among the People, Ps 57:7-9

Praise Among the People When we meet together for worship, we typically begin our services with congregational singing.  How you sing praise among the people tells where your heart is with God.  To sing these hymns “with grace in your hearts to the Lord”, Col 3:16, requires several things that...

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Seek Jesus Face, Hos 5:15

Seek Jesus Face In five different passage of the Bible we are directed to seek the Lord’s face. We are going to discuss these in the order a person might seek him when either first getting saved or when getting off track in sin. Acknowledge your offence and seek Jesus...

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Strength in Adversity, Prov 24:10

Strength in Adversity Prov. 24: 10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible says that “if thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small,” [Prov 24:10].  When we face adversity, generally, we first pray for God to remove it.  Well, the Lord usually doesn’t remove the adversity.  And...

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The Lord’s Prayer, Lk 11:1-4

The Lord’s Prayer Lk 11: 1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Lk 11:1, the disciples asked the Lord Jesus Christ to teach them to pray.  He taught them a prayer in Luke 11:2-4.  We commonly call this prayer the Lord’s Prayer.  We should probably more accurately call it the Disciples’ Prayer. ...

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Glorifying God, Part I, 1 Cor 6:19-20

How To Glorify God, Part I 1 Cor 6: 19-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO. Glorifying God is one of our principal responsibilities. There are several ways to glorify God.  This broadcast covers half of those ways.  The next broadcast will cover the other half.  The Bible is clear on this subject....

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Praise Is Comely, Ps 33:1

Praise Is Comely Praise is comely for the upright.  Praise is suited to the upright.  That is, people expect to see an upright person praising the Lord.  When you’re not upright, you’re uptight, and praise isn’t comely.  More importantly, God is looking for your praise to be comely.  That is,...

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All The Day, Ps 71:8, 15

Three times in Psalm 71, David used the phrase “all the day.”  In Ps 71:8 he wrote, “Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day.”  In Ps 71:15 he wrote, “My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day;...

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The God of Praise, 1 Chr 16:8-9

The God of Praise 1 Chr. 16:8-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You praise the God of praise with: Thanksgiving – David said, “Give thanks unto the Lord.”  This is the attitude of gratitude.  1 Thes 5:18 tells us that it is the will of God to give thanks to the...

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The God of Greatness, 1 Chr 16:23-27

The God of Greatness 1 Chr. 16:23-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Chr 16:25 says, For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised.  This lesson is on the God of greatness.  In 1 Chr 16:23-27 we see the greatness of God’s: Restoration – Rom 8:19-23 right now all of...

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Mountain Top Experiences, Lk 23:33

Mountain Top Experiences Lk. 23:33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all go through trials and temptations in the valleys of life.  But there are certainly some wonderful mountain top experiences, as well.  Today we are going to look at some of these mountain top experiences in hopes that you will...

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