It Is A Good Thing, Ps 92:1-4

The Psalmist wrote it is a good thing to do four things because the Lord had made him glad through his work and had caused him to triumph in the works of his hands.  Are you ever glad? Do you ever triumph?  You should be glad all the time and...

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Singing, Col 3:16

Singing Col 3:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today’s message is on singing.  We are comparing modern so-called “Christian” music to the psalms and hymns and spiritual songs mentioned in Col 3:16 and Eph 5:19.  The purpose of this broadcast is to show you the contrast between the scriptural music of the...

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Daily, Ps 68:19

According to Ps 68:19, the Lord daily loadeth us with benefits.  In return, what should we do daily? Die to self – 1 Cor 15:31.  Paul wrote, “I die daily”.  The victory over sin each day is gained by the crucified life.  When we are crucified with Christ, he lives...

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Bless Your Mother, Prov 30:11

In Prov 31:28, the children of a virtuous woman “arise up, and call her blessed”.  Blessing her is all the more important in the age in which we live.  Today, “There is a generation that… don’t bless their mother”.  You should bless your mother. To bless your mother is to...

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Glorify God in Your Spirit, 1 Cor 6:20

1 Cor 6:20 says that we are to glorify God in our spirit, as well as our body.  How do you glorify God in your spirit? You glorify God in your spirit: Through spiritual transformation,2 Cor 3:18.  Rom 12:1-2, you are transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Eph 4:22-24,...

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For Thy Pleasure, Rev 4:11

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Rev 4:11 says, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”  We were created for the Lord’s pleasure.   We want...

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Dispelling Fear, Ps 56:11

In Ps 56:11, David said, “In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.”  He didn’t say, “Though I am afraid what man can do unto me, I’m going to trust God.”  Do you see?  He’s not trusting God and fearing...

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When Your Spirit is Overwhelmed, Ps 142:1-7

In Ps 142:3, David wrote, “my spirit was overwhelmed within me.”  In Ps 142:6, he said, “I am brought very low.”  A fair number of good people whom I know are overwhelmed right now.  There seems to be an oppressive spirit attempting to discourage and defeat good men and women. ...

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