What Will You Give Jesus, Matt 2:11

When the wise men came to Jesus as a young child, they worshipped him and “presented unto him gifts,” [Matt 2:11].  The gifts they gave him were particularly appropriate for a king (gold), a priest (frankincense), and a prophet (myrrh), of which Jesus was uniquely all three.  Generally, these office...

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Hannah’s Virtue, 1 Sam 1:1-2:21

Hannah was a virtuous woman.  Her husband had two wives, the other of whom was Peninnah.  Peninnah bore children, but Hannah was childless in the early years of her marriage; and this caused her grief.  Rather than envy Peninnah and fuss with her husband about this like Rachel did to...

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Manifestations of Spiritual Joy, Prov 15:13

Spiritual joy is not an emotion like natural joy.  As we saw in last week’s study, natural joy is the feeling derived from some pleasure, delight, success, accomplishment, etc.  Spiritual joy, on the other hand, is derived from the Lord.   However, as natural joy is manifested in your feelings...

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Reciprocal Giving 1 Cor 2:12

Reciprocal Giving 1 Cor 2:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Cor 2:12 tells us that through the Spirit wee can know “the things that are freely given to us of God.”  Just look at all the things God has given us. God gave his Son – Jn 3:16, God so loved...

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The Best Thing for Mothers Prov. 31:30

The Best Thing for Mothers Prov. 31: 30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is Mothers Day and we usually give our mothers special attention on this day.  The best thing you can do for your mother is to: Praise a mother who fears God – Prov 31:30 – she’s not a...

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He Answered Them Ps 99:6

He Answered Them Ps. 99: 9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The first five verses of Ps 99 clearly show us that this Psalm is doctrinally applied to the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, when he is reigning in Zion.  Then the Psalmist mentions Moses, Aaron and Samuel.  Moses led the...

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Behaving Yourself

Behaving Yourself 1 Sam 18   David’s early experiences were marked by wise behavior. This chapter starts off just moments after he is called before the king, and explains to Saul just who he is, while holding the dripping head of Goliath in his hand. Before he defeated the Philistine,...

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Praise Ye the Lord Ps. 146:1

Praise Ye the Lord Ps. 146:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Psalm 146 through Psalm 150 start with Praise ye the Lord.  It’s easy to praise the Lord when he has done something good for you and you want others to know about it.  It’s another matter to praise him when things...

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The Blessings of Obedience Heb. 5:8-9

The Blessings of Obedience Heb. 5: 8-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God is our ruler and we must obey him and his words. We are accountable to him for everything we do, say and think.  Often when we counsel folks, we must remind them what God said and show them their...

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Davids Commitment Ps. 86:11-12

David’s Commitment Ps. 86:11-12  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ps 86, Davids commitment to the Lord was threefold.  He committed to walk in truth, praise the Lord, and glorify his name.  These are three things that we should commit to do.  Davids commitment was: I will walk in thy truth...

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