Are You Pleasing God?

Are You Pleasing God? Rev.4:11   All things are and were created for His pleasure. Are you pleasing God? Do you know what pleases God? The Bible says that He is worthy to receive Glory, honour and power, these things please God. Let’s look at the scripture and define a...

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Praise the Lord Ps. 111:1

Praise the Lord Ps. 111:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we get together we are to praise the Lord in the congregation.  Many churches have turned praising the Lord into a concert.  Contrasted to that movement in modern churches, what does the Bible say about how are we to praise the...

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What Hope Does For You Ps. 43:5

What Hope Does For You Ps. 43:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is about what hope does for you.  You hope in God [Ps 43:5] because he can provide you with his power, peace, comfort, health, provision, protection, deliverance, grace, wisdom, goodness and so forth.  You hope in Jesus Christ...

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Benefits of Church Membership Eph. 4:11-16

Benefits of Church Membership Eph. 4:11-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People have asked me about the benefits of church membership.  The local church gives us: Praise for God – Eph 3:21 – “Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus…” – God is glorified by the praises of his...

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Praise the Lord from the Earth Ps.148: 7-14

Praise The Lord from the Earth Ps. 148: 7-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the prior lesson we studied about things the Lord made in the heavens that are there to praise him.  In this lesson we will study about things that praise the Lord from the earth.  You will notice...

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Praise Him in the Heights Ps.148:1-6

Praise him in the Heights Ps. 148:1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are things in the heights that God created and put there not only for the purpose that they serve but also to praise him.  That’s why the Psalmist said, Praise him in the heights.  The things that are “up...

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Isaiah 42:9-16 The Lord Will Be Known

The Lord Will Be Known Is. 42:9-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many times, in the Old Testament, things are done by which everyone affected will know that God is the Lord. Both Israel and Egypt knew that God is the Lord by the miracles that were done at the Exodus. See...

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Whatever We Do We Do Together

Whatever We Do We Do Together Acts 2 41-47 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The church in Acts was with one accord and they were together.  They ate together, they fellowshipped together, they studied the Bible together…  We should follow their example.  Whatever we do we do together.  It’s always easier to...

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