Love Mothers Prov. 31:28

Love Mothers Prov. 31:28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Mothers are very special.  Why do we call them blessed?  Why do we praise them?  We call you blessed and we praise you because mothers: Nearly die to bring us into this world – 1 Sam 4:19-21 – when Phineas’ wife bare Ichabod,...

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Prayers For All Men 1 Tim. 2: 1-8

Prayers For All Men 1 Tim. 2: 1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul put a priority on prayer.  He exhorted, first of all, that prayers be made for all men.  In this lesson we are going to learn what to pray, for whom to pray, why to pray, how to pray,...

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Look For The Saviour Phil. 3:17-21

Look for The Saviour Phil. 3:17-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul said to look for the Saviour [Phil 3:20].  Jesus is returning one day soon.  While we look for the Saviour, we should follow the instructions Paul gave us in Phil 4.  While looking for the Saviour, we should: Stand...

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What Can I Do? 1 Cor. 12:12-27

What Can I Do?  1 Cor. 12:12-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The body of Christ doesn’t have any vestigial organs.  We all have something to do in the body.  “… now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him,” [1 Cor 12:18]. ...

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A Worthly Walk Eph. 4:1-3

Ephesians 4:1-3 A Worthly Walk CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you got saved, God called you to a special job.  This job is your vocation.  Paul wanted the Ephesians to walk worthy of that call – I Tim 1:9; Phil 3:14.  We are all called to pray (Lk 18:1), all called...

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Ashamed of Jesus Mark 8:34-38

Ashamed of Jesus Mark 8:34-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As our country becomes increasingly afraid to mention the name of Jesus, don’t be ashamed of Jesus [Mk 8:38].  In many public places nativity scenes and references to the birth of Christ have been removed – in many businesses, employees say “Happy...

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Results of a Midnight Prayer Meeting Acts 16:25-40

Results of a Midnight Prayer Meeting Acts 16:25-40 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul and Silas had a midnight prayer meeting when they were imprisoned in Philippi.  The results of their prayer meeting are astounding.  Their prayer [Jas 5:16] affected their: Temperament – Acts 16:25 – after prayer they sang praises –...

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A Way to Escape 1 Cor. 10 :13

A Way to Escape 1 Cor. 10 :13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Last week I preached on temptation from 1 Cor 10:13.  In this text we see that God will with the temptation make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear the temptation.  But we didn’t discuss...

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Lessons from Elijah’s Prayer Life James 5:17

Lessons from Elijah’s Prayer Life James 5:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Introduction: DISAPPOINTMENT in PRAYER Have you ever been disappointed with your prayer life?  Have you seen all the prayer promises, but somehow think those don’t apply to you – you’re the exception? In this lesson we’ll show some things about...

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Hard Heart?

Hard Heart? Proverbs 28:14               A callus is an example of the type of hardness that your heart can have. After getting a blister at one spot on your hand several times, a callus will form. That hard callus will block off the feeling that you should have at...

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