Intercessory Prayer III, 1Sam 12:23

1 Sam 12:23 Intercessory Prayer III CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Intercessory prayer can be very difficult because it is for others and not for ourselves and so we don’t have the same urgency when we approach the throne of grace on their behalf.  Furthermore, there are some other problems: Forgetfulness –...

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Intercessory Prayer II, 1 Sam 12:23

1 Sam 12:23 Intercessory Prayer II CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Continuing with the last lesson that we taught on intercessory prayer, there are many good things for which you can pray for others.  You can pray for their health, their families, their marriages, their finances, their jobs, their testimony, and their...

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Intercessory Prayer, 1 Sam 12:23

1 Sam 12:23 Intercessory Prayer CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Intercessory prayer is such an important aspect of our Christian lives, but it is also probably one of the most neglected.  We all need to be encouraged to pray more for each other and for the lost.  Notice: The Holy Spirit intercedes...

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What is Prayer?

What is Prayer? (Luke 18:1-8) Here we will look at a parable given by Jesus regarding the subject of prayer. When we simplify prayer using this parable we will see that prayer is an exercise in faith. Jesus makes a direct connection between faith and prayer in this parable. I...

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Benefits of Forgiveness, Col 3:13

Benefits of Forgiveness  The benefits of forgiveness are clearly stated in the Bible.  Forgiveness affects you and the person you forgive.  Plus, there are great spiritual blessings, as well.  There are several reasons why you might not have forgiven someone who has hurt you.  It can be difficult to forgive. ...

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Pray Up Treasure in Heaven, Matt 6:19-21

Praying Up Treasure in Heaven Matt 6: 19-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many years ago, I heard Jim Modlish preach a sermon on prayer from Matt 6:19-21, that I believe he titled, “The Prayer Bank.”  Matthew 6 is a chapter devoted almost entirely to prayer.  For instance, the “Lord’s Prayer” is...

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Seek Jesus Face, Hos 5:15

Seek Jesus Face In five different passage of the Bible we are directed to seek the Lord’s face. We are going to discuss these in the order a person might seek him when either first getting saved or when getting off track in sin. Acknowledge your offence and seek Jesus...

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Cry Mightily Unto God, Jon 3:8-9

Cry Mightily Unto God Why should we cry mightily unto God like the Ninevites in Jon 3:8-9?  Wasn’t the outcome of the election more favorable to Christians?  We should cry mightily unto God because: Rulers are prone to make major mistakes after successes.  David numbered the people without collecting the...

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The Lord’s Delight, 1 Sam 15:22

The Lord’s Delight 1 Sam 15: 22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If we can see from the scriptures the Lord’s delight, then we can do those things with the certainty that he will be pleased.  What are the things that are the Lord’s delight?  The Lord delights in: Obedience – 1 Sam...

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The Bible versus Buddhism, Gen 1:1

The Bible versus Buddhism Gen 1: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible versus Buddhism This broadcast is is a comparison of the Bible versus Buddhism.  Some Christians are receiving some benefits in dealing with stress through meditation.  Yet, the meditation they are practicing is not the meditation you find in...

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