Prayer Changes Things

Prayer Changes Things James 4:2 “…..yet ye have not, because ye ask not.” The biggest problem with our prayer life is “WE ASK NOT”. Many times the reason for this is that we think God won’t give us what we ask for. We think that God has his own will...

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The Health of My Countenance, Ps 42:1-11

In Psalm 42, the Psalmist was questioning himself, asking why he was cast down.  He asked, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me?”  [Ps 42:5, 11].  He was dejected.  He was discouraged.  He had good reason to be down.  His soul was...

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The Greaves of Prayer, Eph 6:18-19

We have been studying the armor of God on Wednesday nights.  We have discussed the helmet of salvation, which protects us from carnality, fear and pride with a saved, spiritual, sound, servant mind.  The breastplate of righteousness, which protects us through the righteousness of Jesus Christ when we stay right...

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A Prayer Checkup

“A Prayer Checkup” Ps. 19:14 Our prayer life needs a checkup from time to time. Just as your car, heart or health, computer, etc. need to be checked out, so does your prayer life. You could find problems that you didn’t know existed. You then can fix them before they...

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Prayer is Your Voice of Faith

Prayer is Your Voice of Faith Luke 18:1-8 The Lord tries to encourage us “always to pray, and not to faint”. “Faint” means to decline or fail in strength, lose courage or spirit, to weaken. If I could encourage you to pray more, I know that it would change your...

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Live to the Will of God, 1 Pet 4:1-11

Our text is 1 Pet 4:1-11.  Peter said “Live the rest of your time in the flesh… to the will of God [1 Pet 4:2].  To do this you must: Cease from sin – 1 Pet 4:1-4 – 1 “arm yourselves with the same mind.”  In Rom 6:11 this is...

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Likewise, Ye Husbands, 1 Pet 3:7

In the latter part of 1 Pet 2, Peter exhorted servants to be subject to their masters whether they are good or forward.  In 1 Pet 3:1-6, he exhorted wives to be subject to their husbands even when they are being disobedient to the words of God.  In 1 Pet...

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Improving Your Prayer Life, Matt 26:41

As long as we are going to take the time to pray, we might as well be as effective in its exercise as we possibly can be.  You can improve your prayer life by improving your: Spiritual Conditioning – Matt 26:41 – after spending all day, and much of the evening,...

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Dwell in Safety, Ps 4:1-8

Ps 4:1-8 contains some great spiritual instructions on how to dwell safely.  Many people follow some practical safety measures, which are wise, like wearing a PFD while in a boat, holding an extension ladder while someone is on it, wearing a safety harness on a steep pitched roof, etc.  But...

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Benefits of Patience

The longer you live and the more stuff through which you go, the more you learn about the Christian life.  According to Rom 5:3-5, as you go through things, you’re going to need some patience.  Patience helps you acquire spiritual experience.  However, patience is not something for which you want...

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