So Great Salvation Heb 2:3

So Great Salvation Heb. 2:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO So great is our salvation because: So great is our Savior – Titus 2:13 – consider how great Jesus Christ is.  He created the universe.  He has all power.  So great is his humility that he wiling forsook all of his riches...

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Becoming Bolder Prov 28:1

Becoming Bolder Prov. 28: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Prov 28:1, a wicked man will flee when no one is pursuing him.  In Trinidad, Bro. Hoffmeister and I visited a family in “the line.” The line is a neighborhood right on the coast where a lot of drug dealers...

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The Need for Patience Ps 40:1

The Need For Patience Ps. 40:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Patience is not something with which we come naturally equipped.  But it something that we all need. You need: Patience in your prayers – Ps 40:1 – sometimes the Lord answers our prayers quickly.  We get spoiled by his care and...

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Get Real Joshua 5: 1-15

Get Real Jos. 5: 1-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Most of us come to church on Sunday and listen to the preaching and teaching and go on home. Maybe there was some conviction; maybe there was some resolve to change, and maybe not. Then Monday morning we are back in the...

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Why Don’t We Have Peace? Jn 14:27

Why Don’t We Have Peace? Jn 14: 27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As Christians, we should be able to walk in the peace that Jesus Christ gave us [Jn 14:27].  His peace is far better than any peace that the world gives.  His peace keeps your heart from being troubled.  So,...

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Defeating Amalek Ex 17:6-16

Defeating Amalek Ex 17: 6-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Amalek is a type of sin.  In Joshua’s battle with Amalek in Ex 17:8-16, Joshua discomfited Amalek with the edge of the sword.  Israel defeated Amalek.  The picture in this text is the picture of our fight against sin and our need...

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God’s Increase Acts 6:7

God’s Increase Acts 6: 7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Acts 6:7, “the word of God increased, the number of the disciples multiplied greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.”  My questions are these.  Is God still expecting his word to increase?  Is God...

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Personal Time with God Gen. 19:27

Personal Time With God Gen. 19: 27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Abraham is an excellent example of Morning Time with God: You must make it happen. He got up early in the morning [Ps. 5:3] David did the same. Abraham- a friend of God, David- a man after God’s own heart...

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Prayer Answered Quickly

Prayer Answered Quickly Daniel 9   In This chapter Daniel gets his prayer answered, “while he was yet speaking”, verse 21. All of us want immediate answers to prayer. Some wait for answers for months or years. We must not interpret delays in answers for denials. We wait because it...

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The Local Church

The Local Church Heb. 10:25   The local church is one of three institutions commissioned by God, the others being the family and civil government. The local church is commissioned by God to carry out His purpose in reaching the lost and perfecting the saved. Therefore, God’s plan for a...

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