Choices in Life Job 34: 4

Choices in Life Job 34: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Elihu said, “Let us choose to us judgment: let us know among ourselves what is good.”  We constantly make choices in life – today we’re going to talk about some simple ways to make choices in life so that the process...

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Get Involved

NO AUDIO AVAILABLE There are many things the Lord is doing in and through BBBC – get involved – you don’t want to miss out on what the Lord is doing here – you’re going to get to heaven and be very disappointed that you had the opportunity to do...

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Benefits of Church Membership Eph. 4:11-16

Benefits of Church Membership Eph. 4:11-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People have asked me about the benefits of church membership.  The local church gives us: Praise for God – Eph 3:21 – “Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus…” – God is glorified by the praises of his...

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God’s Divine Hedge of Protection

God’s Divine Hedge of Protection “This present evil world” [Gal.1:4]     Controlled by Satan     [Jn.14:30] prince of this world [2 Cor.4:4] god of this world [Eph.2:2] prince of the power of the air Satan’s Objectives   [Jn.10:10] to steal, kill and destroy, [1 Pet.5:8] devour, [Rev.12:9] deceiver So, how do we possibly...

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Worry Ps 37:1-9

Worry Prov. 27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you read Prov 27:1, Jas 4:14 and Matt 6:34 you don’t find the word “Worry” in the text but you understand from the texts that we are not to worry.  As much as Christians worry, you would think that there must surely be...

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Why Hidest Thou Thyself Ps. 10:1

Why Hidest Thou Thyself Ps. 10:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David loved God and enjoyed great fellowship with him.  He was given the distinction of being a man after God’s own heart.  But in his life he sure had trouble.  He was anointed king as a teenager but didn’t ascend to...

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Wednesday Night Prayer Acts1:14, 4:24

Wednesday Night Prayer Acts1:14, 4: 24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why do we keep having Wednesday night prayer?  The answer is found in the Bible.  We keep having Wednesday night prayer meeting because: Prayer keeps us in one accord – Acts 1:14; 4:24 – it’s the old adage that the family...

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Results of a Midnight Prayer Meeting Acts 16:25-40

Results of a Midnight Prayer Meeting Acts 16:25-40 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul and Silas had a midnight prayer meeting when they were imprisoned in Philippi.  The results of their prayer meeting are astounding.  Their prayer [Jas 5:16] affected their: Temperament – Acts 16:25 – after prayer they sang praises –...

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Put Your Whole Heart Into It Mark 12:33

Put Your Whole Heart Into It Mark 12:33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I was listening to a sermon preached by Ted Mullins, veteran missionary to Papua New Guinea.  He was preaching about listening to the voice of God as he leads you.  He said, “The voice of God is not audible...

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The Ministry of Prayer Acts 6:4

The Ministry of Prayer Acts 6:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We see that the great work of the ministry requires the ministry of PRAYER – if we’re going to minister the word we’re going to have to pray – this is one work we can all do no matter who we...

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