Prayer Was Made Without Ceasing

Pray Without Ceasing Acts 12:1- 5  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this chapter, the church in Jerusalem got a real lesson in prayer.  James, the brother of John, had been killed by Herod and Peter was in jail awaiting his execution.  The church obviously loved Peter and wanted to see...

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The Purpose of Prayer II

The Purpose of Prayer II Acts 4 31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO On Wednesday, June 5, 2013, we taught on the purpose of prayer.  We didn’t finish the lesson, so tonight we will continue to study the purpose of prayer by examining the scriptures to see why we should pray.  Through prayer we...

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The Purpose of Prayer

The Purpose of Prayer Hebrews 4:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wednesday before last, we learned that we enjoy fellowship with the Lord in prayer.  Today we are going to examine the scriptures to see the purpose of prayer.  Through prayer we obtain: Mercy and Grace – Heb 4:16 – without there two...

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The Family Altar

Think ahead 10-15 years to where your family will be, not physically or careerwise but spiritually. Our children are the future of this church and we are the immediate future.  As you know things die down and get worse so what you are doing now spiritually subtract from that.  Sin...

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So Built We The Wall

So Built We the Wall Neh. 4: 6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Nehemiah said, So built we the wall.  Rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem was a great feat.  The Jews had to contend with Sanballat and Tobiah [Neh 2:19] and the men they gathered to hinder the work [Neh 4:7-8].  They...

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Whatever We Do We Do Together

Whatever We Do We Do Together Acts 2 41-47 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The church in Acts was with one accord and they were together.  They ate together, they fellowshipped together, they studied the Bible together…  We should follow their example.  Whatever we do we do together.  It’s always easier to...

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Avail Yourself of Grace

Don’t Fail of Grace CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this text we are encouraged not to fail of grace.  One way to be sure that you don’t fail of grace is to avail yourself of grace.  To avail yourself of grace requires: The Lord – Ps 84:11 – it seems that...

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That Your Joy Might Be Full

That Your Joy Might Be Full John 15:1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Joy is a wonderful part of being saved, because it is something supernatural and it far exceeds worldly pleasure and happiness.  Jesus said that he spoke the things in Jn 15 that your joy might be full.  This kind...

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Love of God

Love of God Matt 22:35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that the love of God is the greatest commandment in the Bible and as a result it should guide every thing in our lives.  When we love God, it is evident in that: We love talking to him – when...

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Faith Will Change Your Life

 Faith Will Change Your Life Mark 10:46-52 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, Bartimaeus went from being a blind beggar to a sighted believer in Jesus Christ.  Faith changed his life and faith will change your life, too. Faith will change: What you ask for – v.46-47 – he had...

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