Three Great Qualities of Christ, Jn 6:15-21

Three Great Qualities of Christ John 6:15-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This story is also found in Mark 6:45-51 and Matthew 14:22-33.  When you study these other accounts, you find three great attributes that are part of Jesus’ ministry.  The people realized Jesus was the Son of God based on what...

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Discipleship Lesson #4 – Prayer

   Discipleship 4 Prayer Bro. Tony Seale CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is prayer really that important and, if so, how should I pray?     Luke 18:1-8 (A parable from Jesus on why we should always pray) Psalm 86:3 (David prayed daily) Psalm 55:17 (David prayed 3 times a day) Daniel 6:10 (Daniel...

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Quit Worrying Phil. 4:6-7

Philippians 4:6-7 Quit Worrying CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  A lot of people we meet are concerned and careful about something – many things.  It is in the nature of humans to worry.  Worrying is a sin and reveals a lack of trust in God and a lack of gratitude and a...

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To Live Is Christ

Phil. 1: 21-24 To Live Is Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Christianity is so much more than a ticket out of hell.  It is not something that you have to wait until you die to begin to enjoy.  As Paul said, “To Live is Christ.”  And he gives: Purpose to...

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My Prayer For You All Phil. 1:9-11

Philippians 1: 9-11 My Prayer for You All CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul prayed that God would do for the Philippians certain very specific things in their lives.  My prayer for you is the same: That your love would abound In knowledge connected with truth (Bible) and your relationship with the...

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Why Pray

Why Pray Luke 18: 1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you think about how omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent God is, why pray?  What’s the use of praying? The Lord wants it – Lk 18:1, 1 Thes 5:17 – it is a great way to have fellowship with him, 1 Jn...

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 Elections Romans 13: 1-8  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People want to affect the political process with their contributions and their votes.  However, while these things are important to the “political process” they should never overshadow your Biblical understanding of government, prophecy or your need to pray.  Consider these passages from the...

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Soul Winning Lesson #5

Soul Winning #5 Bro. Welder CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In witnessing it is very important to remember that the work is spiritual and that the Holy Spirit is the one who ultimately needs to do the “soul winning.”  The Holy Spirit: Fills – he fills believers so that we have the...

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Weighed Down with a Load of Care

Matt 11:28-29 How To Deal With Stress CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I don’t recall a time when I have seen myself, so many of you and so many of my friends weighed down with such a load of care.  We have to be able to function with this load without getting...

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Prayer When the Lord was Intreated

Judges 13:8-9 The Lord Was Intreated CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO An entreaty is an urgent prayer, an earnest petition, or a pressing solicitation.  To be entreated is to be prevailed upon by urgent solicitation or to consent to grant what is desired.  When we pray, we want to know that the...

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