How To Have Peace With God

Peace with God is one of the most desirable characteristics of your relationship with God.  But surprisingly a lot of Christians don’t enjoy peace with God.  Either they don’t know about it or they don’t know how to get it.  Today we’ll show you about it and show you how...

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Prayer That Avails Much, Jas 5:16

James 5:16 says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”.  Tonight we want to talk about prayer that avails much.  Prayer that avails much must be: Prayer – “prayer”.  The reason many of us don’t accomplish much through prayer is that we are simply not praying.  James...

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Reap Life Everlasting, Gal 6:8

Reap Life Everlasting Gal 6:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the prior broadcast, we saw that a great defense to sin is to be able to see the corruption that comes into full harvest way down the road.  When you can get a good picture of that, you are far less...

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Making Decisions, Prov 4:23

Making Decisions Prov. 4:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here are some considerations to help you when you are making decisions.  Remember that your heart makes your decisions; not your mind.  Your heart is revealed in your decisions.  So, you must keep your heart with all diligence.  The heart can be...

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Praying for the Sick, 2 Kings 13:14

Praying for the Sick 2 Kings 13:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When praying for the sick, keep in mind that God doesn’t always heal sick folks.  In 2 Ki 13:14, when Elisha was sick, he died.  And unlike Hezekiah, he didn’t weep sore over this outcome, trying to persuade God to...

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God Leads Us Along

We know that God leads us.  But sometimes when we follow where God leads us, we can wind up in a mess.  What happens to us can be very different than what we expect. In Acts 16, God led Paul and Silas to Philippi in Macedonia, Acts 16:12.  While there,...

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Resolutions, Luke 16:1-8

Resolutions Luke 16: 1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord commended the unjust steward for his wisdom even though he was unjust.  The Lord said that he was wiser than the children of light.  Among other things, his wisdom was demonstrated in that he said, “I am resolved what to do”...

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Hannah’s Faith, 1 Sam 1:12-27

1 Sam 1:12-27 Hannah’s Faith CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Hannah had a tremendous faith and, consequently, she received an answer to her petition for a man child.  Notice some qualities of her faith: She had a strong enough faith to: Keep on praying – 1 Sam 1:12 – Christians sometimes become...

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Thanksgiving is the Key, Ps 95:2

Thanksgiving is the key to: Entering the presence of God, Ps 95:1-3, Ps 100:3-4 When you talk to God in your heart, you might sense that you are down here and God is way up there in heaven.  We speak of God as our heavenly Father.  The truth is that...

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Then Will I Hear, 2 Chr 7:14

Then Will I Hear 2 Chr. 7:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have heard much preaching on 2 Chr 7:14.  The part of the verse I like is… then will I hear.  God said that, if they do four things, then will I hear.  The four things are these: humble...

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