You Can Count on God, Ps 143:1

There are three characteristics of God in Ps 143:1, that give you confidence when you pray that God will hear and answer your prayer.  Because of these three traits, when you pray, you can count on God.  You can count on God’s: Count on God’s Graciousness v.1 “Hear my prayer,...

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Treasure in Earthen Vessels, 2 Cor 4:7

Because we are saved, Christ is in us [Col 1:27] and we are in Christ [1 Cor 12:13].  We have Jesus Christ and eternal life in us.  Thus, according to our text in 2 Cor 4:7, we have this treasure in earthen vessels.  We must be reminded, then, that our...

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We Must Fast and Pray, Dan 9

I sense the need and direction from the Lord to fast and pray as a church.  When people fast and pray in the Bible, God gives them: Discernment – Dan 9:3, 22.  God gave Daniel skill and understanding and the ability to discern the ultimate significance of the prophecy given...

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Effectual Intercessory Prayers, Jas 5:16

In Jas 5:16 we are told to pray for one another.  This is called intercessory prayer.  We intercede during prayer meeting for loved ones and missionaries.  But how do we know that these are effectual intercessory prayers?  How do we know that God hears us and is willing to answer? ...

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Pray for America, 1 Tim 2:1-3

Pray for America 1 Tim.2:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We need to pray for America.  But how do we pray?  And what do we pray for? Pray for those in authority – 1 Tim 2:1-3 – a quiet [Acts 9:31], and peaceable life [Jer 29:7], in all godliness [1 Tim 6:5;...

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Six Things Saved People Should Do, Matt 4:4

Six Things Saved People Should Do Matt. 4:4  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What should I do now that I’m saved?  There are six things saved people should do. One of the hardest times in your Christian life is right after you get saved.  Your enemies fight hard to keep you...

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Seven Times, 1 Ki 18:43

This sermon is on some verses in the Bible where we find the phrase “seven times”.  These passages teach us to: Keep praying if at first you don’t get an answer.  Elijah prayed for rain while his servant went to look toward the sea seven times till the rain came,...

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How We Should Pray, Ps 86:1-3

In Psalm 86 David teaches us three very important things about how we should pray.  We should: Pray Humbly – Ps 86:1, “for I am poor and needy”. By comparison to other kings, David was a wealthy man.  He laid up great wealth for the construction of the temple, 1...

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Your Work of Faith, 1 Thes 1:3

This sermon is on your work of faith, 1 Thes 1:3.  To understand your work of faith, we must first understand what faith is and how it works. Faith is belief. You must have something to believe in.  Athletes believe in themselves.  Christians believe in Jesus Christ.  Agnostics and atheists...

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When It’s Hard to Pray, Lk 18:18

Lk 18:1-8 is, in part, about what to do when you find it really hard to pray.  Doctrinally we can find where Lk 18:1-8 fits, perfectly.  v.8 says, “when the Son of man cometh”.  So, we’re right before the Second Advent.  This is about God avenging his own elect.  We...

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