Affection, Col 3:1-3

Affection Col 3:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Col 3:1-3 Paul tells us to set our affection on things above, not on things on the earth.  We know that we are supposed to set our affection on things above but we live in a world where so many things on the...

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Second Guessing Your Decisions, Prov 29:20

Second Guessing Your Decisions Prov. 29:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we will look through the Bible to see if we can find verses to help you keep from second guessing your decisions.  I was one of those who struggled with second guessing my decisions.  And so I...

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Christian Resources, Lk 24:49

Christian Resources Lk. 24:49 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you listen to Christian radio today, you keep hearing the word “resources” referring to books, CD’s, DVD’s, etc. that are offered to the listeners at a price.  I have often thought to myself, “Where were all these Christian resources after Jesus...

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Prayer Warrior or Prayer Worrier, Lk 10:40-42

Prayer Worrier or Prayer Warrior Lk 10:40-42 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Did you notice in Lk 10:40 that Martha presented the Lord with a prayer request?  And the Lord answered her prayer in a way that is very instructive to us.  We find out by the Lord’s answer that Martha was...

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The God of Praise, 1 Chr 16:8-9

The God of Praise 1 Chr. 16:8-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You praise the God of praise with: Thanksgiving – David said, “Give thanks unto the Lord.”  This is the attitude of gratitude.  1 Thes 5:18 tells us that it is the will of God to give thanks to the...

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A Learned Righteous Tongue, Is 50:4

In the prior broadcasts we studied the unruly tongue and its wicked manifestations.  In this broadcast we will study a good tongue and its various scriptural manifestations.  A good tongue is a: Learned tongue – Is 50:4 – “the Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned.”  This...

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Mountain Top Experiences, Lk 23:33

Mountain Top Experiences Lk. 23:33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all go through trials and temptations in the valleys of life.  But there are certainly some wonderful mountain top experiences, as well.  Today we are going to look at some of these mountain top experiences in hopes that you will...

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Why Samuel Prayed, 1 Sam 12:23

In 1 Sam 12:23, Samuel said to the people of Israel, “God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you”.   Today, we’re going to discuss why Samuel prayed for them. In this chapter, Samuel is essentially resigning as judge of Israel, since they...

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Jesus is the Door, Jn 10:7-9

Jesus is the Door Jn 10:7-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often you will find metaphors used in the Bible.  For instance, we are likened to sheep.  Jesus is likened to a shepherd.  In Jn 10:7-9 Jesus is the door.  Interestingly, we can look through the Bible and find references to doors...

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Preoccupied, 2 Cor 10:5

Preoccupied II Cor. 10:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Your mind is preoccupied when a matter or a subject dominates or engrosses your mind to the exclusion of other thoughts.  It appears that many young Christians are preoccupied these days.  You can run a little two-part self-test to see if you are...

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