The Lord’s Delight, Is 42:1

Today, we are studying the Lord’s delight.  We want to know what they are so that we can please him.  If you are a husband and you know that your wife delights in flowers or chocolate, for instance, you’ll be inclined to bring her some fresh flowers and some delicious...

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Bad Decisions, Jos 9:14

Bad Decisions Jos 9:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It bothers me that good men in the Bible sometimes made bad decisions.  The concern, obviously, is that if they made bad decisions in their days, what’s to prevent us from making bad decisions in our days?  We need to learn from...

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Cheer Up My Brother, Acts 27:13-36

Cheer Up My Brother Acts 27:13-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There’s an old favorite hymn called “Farther Along” and the chorus goes like this, “Farther along we’ll know all about it, farther along we’ll understand why, cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine, we’ll understand it all by and by.” ...

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So Much The More Prayer, Heb 10:4-25

In anticipation of the Lord’s return Paul exhorted us to do some things so much the more, Heb 10:25.  Paul wrote in Heb 10:24, And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.  Prayer is good work.  In Col 4:12 Paul noted that Epaphras was...

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Pray Then Speak, Neh 2:4-5

In Neh 2:4-5, when the king asked Nehemiah to make his request, Nehemiah prayed and then he spoke.  This is the proper order when making a request, answering a question, or confronting someone.  Pray then speak.  Too often we react too quickly and speak first, without praying.   Nehemiah had...

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Just Two or Three, Deut 17:6

According to Deut 17:6, just two or three witnesses are sufficient to establish the evidence necessary to bring a conviction against a man for murder.  One witness is not sufficient, but more than three are not necessary.  Likewise, we find that just a few are sufficient for us in other...

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Laboring in the Harvest, Matt 9:37-38

Laboring in the Harvest Matt. 9:37-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We need to be laboring in the harvest.  In order to labor in the harvest God’s way we need to be involved regularly in the following work: Praying – Matt 9:38 – the Lord said, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of...

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Essential Elements to Prayer, Mk 14:36

In Mk 14:36, Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane before his crucifixion.  He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt”.  In Christ’s supplication we see four essential elements to prayer that should...

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Pray for Those in Authority, 1 Tim 2:2

To pray for those in authority effectually, we must start with the right attitude toward those in authority. In 2 Ki 5:1-3, for example, the little maid, who had been taken captive by the Syrians, had an unusually good attitude toward her mistress and Naaman.   In Dan 4:19, when...

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Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving

This is part four in a four-part series on Prayer and Supplication.  For part three, see Prayer and Supplication with Crying.  This sermon is on prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. The words prayer and supplication appear together several times in your Bible.  And on a few occasions, we find them...

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