Prayer and Supplication with Crying

This is the third part of a series on prayer and supplication.  For part two in this series, see Prayer and Supplication with Fasting. For part three in this series, see Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving. This sermon is on Prayer and Supplication with Crying.  Prayer and supplication with crying...

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Prayer and Supplication with Fasting

This is the second sermon in a four part series on Prayer and Supplication.  For part one, see Humble Prayer and Supplication. For part three, see Prayer and Supplication with Crying. This sermon is about the benefits of prayer and supplication with fasting.  Adding fasting to your prayer: Sharpens your...

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Work That God Rewards, 2 Chr 15:1-18

Work That God Rewards 2 Chr 15:1-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Azariah said to Asa, “Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded,” [2 Chronicles 15:7]. And after Asa heard these words he proceeded to do work that God rewarded.  See 2...

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The Greatest Friend of All, Jn 15:14

The Greatest Friend of All John 15:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been preaching a good bit on friends the last few days and indeed we need good friends.  But lest we overshadow the greatness of Jesus Christ as the greatest friend of all, we need to preach about him...

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Humble Prayer and Supplication, 1 Ki 8:54

Today we begin a short series on prayer and supplication.  These words occasionally appear together in your Bible.  And in the verses where they appear, we see an interesting truth unfold.  There are some things that you can do WITH prayer and supplication whereby you know that God has heard...

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A Field of Fools – Jeff Williams

Jeff Williams, missionary to New Zealand, preached a message entitled A Field of Fools from 1 Sam 25:1-25. Nabal was a fool, and many of the people whom we try to reach with the gospel are fools. Missions is a spiritual war like Saul against David. David typifies Jesus. In...

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Starting Right, Matt 6:33

18-01-01-Matt-6-33-Starting-Off-Right CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After a season of gifts and family visits it is time to return to the business of living for the Lord.  So much attention is given to temporal and worldly things during the Holiday season that people drift away from the Lord.  It’s time to...

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Coupled With Humility, Prov 22:4

Four times in the Bible you see something coupled with humility.  There is a richer blessing when you humble yourself and do this other thing that we will discuss tonight. Fear of God coupled with humility – Prov 22:4.  1 Pet 5:5 says, “God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace...

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Faith in Prayer, Lk 18:1-8

This message is about our need of faith in prayer. In Lk 18:1-8, Jesus spoke a parable to his disciples to the end that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.  This parable is about a woman who came to a judge so he would avenge her of...

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