Wayne Sehmish – Nehemiah’s Prayer
The sermon text is from Neh 1:6-11. This sermon will help your prayers be effectual when you are asking a hard thing.
The sermon text is from Neh 1:6-11. This sermon will help your prayers be effectual when you are asking a hard thing.
The Lord of the Harvest In Matt 9:37-38 the Lord told us what to do about the plentiful harvest and the shortage of laborers. He said, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest”. In this text we see: His Command...
Making mention of you in my prayers (Part two) Eph.1:15-18 As we studied in the previous lesson, Paul begins a prayer for the saints at Ephesus. Because of their faith in the Lord Jesus and their love unto all the saints, Paul says that he “ceases not to mention them...
Making mention of you in my prayers (Part one) Eph. 1:15-18 In this section of scripture, Paul begins a prayer for the saints at Ephesus, and because of their faith in the Lord Jesus and their love unto all the saints, Paul ceases not to pray for them. Do you...
How God Turns the Wayward This sermon is on how God turns the wayward. When you raise your children, you never intend for them to stray from the Lord. Yet, many children do, particularly these days and in families of first generation Christians. Then we try to get them to...
The Power of Prayer We have seen much evidence of the power of prayer in our answers to prayer. This should encourage those of us who pray to pray even more. And it should encourage those of us who are not praying to start praying. Prayer is very powerful. Prayer...
This Mother’s Day we will study a mother’s influence in her children’s lives. In the Bible we see: A Mother’s Influence By Her Love A Mother’s Influence by Prayer – Titus 2:4 the younger women are taught to love their children. Young mothers must be taught how to love their...
Christ Makes Intercession For Us In Rom 8:31-34, Christ maketh intercession for us. Have ever wondered what Jesus is doing at the right hand of God? Right now, he is interceding for us. His intercession is mainly to keep us from being separated from his love. When men are against...
Pastor John Robinson preached from Titus 1:5 on things that are wanting or lacking in churches toward missions. Ecc 1:15 says, “that which is wanting cannot be numbered.” There is no want of lost souls and needy people, and there is no want of technology, transportation, communication, or money to...
VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In Ps 140:2 David wrote, “continually are they gathered together for war.” Men fight. That’s just what they do. They fight over land, over women, over control, over territory, over the kids, over politics, over religion, etc. You name it;...