Effectively Preach the Gospel, 2 Cor 12:15

Effectively Preaching the Gospel 2 Cor.12:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Preach the Gospel There are three things we are going to see from the Bible today that will help you effectively preach the gospel.  These three things have to do with the attitude of your heart toward the people to...

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God’s Words, Jer 36:1-32

God’s Words Jer. 36:1-32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are going to study about God’s words in Jer 36.  This is one of the simplest places in the Bible to see what God does with his words and what he expects us to do with them. God Spoke His Words God...

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Preach The Word, 2 Tim 4:2

Preach the Word 2 Tim. 4:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We hope by this message to encourage you to preach the word.  If you don’t preach, then we hope to instruct you on what preaching should entail. Preach Biblically – “preach the word”.  Preaching should expound the text, the passage, the...

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Dealing With Secret Sins, Job 31:26-27

Dealing With Secret Sins Job 31: 27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all have secret things that trouble us.  That is, we have things that we lust after or that we think about or have thought about that we don’t want to discuss with others.  They are secret.  This lesson is...

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Your Life is About Others, Phil 2:3-4

Your Life is about Others Phil 2:3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO First and foremost your life must be about pleasing God.  However, if we are not careful, our thoughts and concerns can become so much about us and our personal relationship to the Lord that we lose sight of others. ...

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Hard Preaching, 2 Tim 4:2-4

Hard Preaching 2 Tim. 4: 2-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Back in the old days, preachers preached with hard preaching.  They fulfilled Paul’s charge and admonition to Timothy, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”  They didn’t hesitate to get...

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Neglecting the Bible, Rom 10:17

Neglecting the Bible Rom. 10:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you neglect the reading of your Bible and you neglect attending to the preaching and teaching of the Bible, you affect some very important things in your life.  Neglecting the Bible affects your: Spiritual Walk – Rom 10:17; 2 Cor 5:7....

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Dealing With A Prodigal, Is 59:16

Dealing With A Prodigal Is 59:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many of us have children who have strayed to the world.  We are living in the perilous times of 2 Tim 3:1-5, so it’s not surprising.  Nevertheless, it hurts and we must know what to do.  Here’s what dealing with...

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Out of the Scriptures, Acts 17:1-4

In Acts 17:1-4, Paul accomplished his work in Thessalonica “out of the scriptures.”  Those who were saved in Thessalonica were save because they believed what the scriptures said about Jesus Christ.   When you are dealing with the lost, there is sometimes a question about the best way to deal...

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Local Church Activities, Eph 3:21

Local Church Activities Eph. 3:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are three main local church activities in which every church should be involved.  And these three should be balanced.  Every true local church should glorify God, edify saints and evangelize sinners. Glorify God – Eph 3:20-21; Rom 15:6 This primarily...

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