Ye Ought to Please God 1 Thes 4:1

Ye Ought to Please God 1 Thes. 4:1  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Paul, in 1 Thes 4:1, you ought to please God and abound more and more.  In other words, you ought to find out what pleases God, do what pleases God and, as you grow, please him more...

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Paul’s Ministry, Col 1:24-29

Paul’s Ministry Colossians 1:24-29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In v.23, Paul talks of the gospel and says: “whereof I Paul am made a minister” and he says it again in v.25.  So what was his ministry in the gospel?  What is the ministry of any minister? Ministry of suffering (v.24) –...

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The Gospel of Jesus Gal 1:6-12

Galatians 1:6-12 The Gospel of Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Galatians 1:6-12, when Paul writes about the gospel, he is speaking specifically about the gospel that was: Revealed by Jesus Christ (Gal 1:12) – notice the difference between the gospel following the ascension of Jesus Christ and the preaching of...

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UN-Tapped Power

UN-Tapped Power Eph. 1:15-19   Paul prays that they will understand “the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward”. When you got saved you were made to have access to a supernatural power that very few of us ever tap into completely. Due to great amounts of false teaching on...

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The Word of His Grace Acts 14:3

The Word of His Grace Acts 14:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What happens when you go to the mission field or when you enter the ministry is not about you, it is about the word of his grace [Acts 14:3]. Your helpers are for the word of his grace – Acts...

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Missions Preaching Acts 14:1-7

Missions Preaching Acts 14:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Missions preaching is a lesson about what men should do and what they can expect when they go to the mission field.  The text is about Paul and Barnabas in Iconium.  Notice: Their method. Both together, Acts 14:1.  This is the formula that...

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The Middleman Deut. 5:1-5

The Middleman Deut. 5:1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Deut 5:1-5 Moses stood between the Lord and the people at Sinai.  He was the middleman.  In Deut 5:6-21 God spoke the ten commandments directly to all the people out of the cloud on the mountain.  In Deut 5:22-26 the people heard...

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Sincerity 1 Peter 2:1-2

Sincerity 1 Peter 2:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Sincere means: 1 without deceit, pretense [a false claim or profession], or hypocrisy; truthful; straightforward; honest 2 being the same in actual character as in outward appearance; genuine; real 3 not adulterated [Webster’s New World Dictionary].  I heard a preacher make reference to...

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Before Jesus Returns Matt. 24:42-44

Before Jesus Returns Matt. 24:42-44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Matt 24:42-44 Jesus instructed his disciples to “be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”  Doctrinally, this command applies to the Second Coming of Jesus rather than to the rapture as...

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Balanced Preaching Hosea 6:5

Balanced Preaching Hosea 6:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Bible preaching needs to be balanced preaching.  Preaching needs to be both positive and negative.  There is a heaven but there is also hell.  There is mercy with God but there is also the wrath of God.  There is righteousness but there is...

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