The Right Response to Preaching Is.6:1,5,8

The Right Response to Preaching Is. 6:1,5, 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are getting ready for our missions conference and the question on your mind should be, “What is the right response to preaching?”  In other words, you know there is going to be continual emphasis on missions during the...

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What Preaching Jesus Entails, Acts 28:23

When you consider preaching it helps to understand fully what preaching Jesus entails.  There’s a lot to it.  Today we are going to look at what Paul and some of his fellow preachers did when they went about preaching Jesus.  Preaching Jesus entails: Speaking – Acts 16:32 – to speak...

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The Furtherance of the Gospel Gal. 4:1-11

The Furtherance of the Gospel Phil. 1:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul’s life was the preaching of the gospel.  He said, “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” [1...

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Get Involved

NO AUDIO AVAILABLE There are many things the Lord is doing in and through BBBC – get involved – you don’t want to miss out on what the Lord is doing here – you’re going to get to heaven and be very disappointed that you had the opportunity to do...

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How We Obtain Strength Prov. 20:29

How We Obtain Strength Prov. 20:29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Strength comes pretty naturally to young men [Prov 20:29 the glory of young men is their strength] – sometimes you see this youthful strength even in an old man [Caleb – Jos 14:10-11] – but the strength we need in our...

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The Movement of the Gospel Acts 2:4

The Movement of the Gospel Acts 2:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Notice what was necessary for the movement of the gospel in accordance with the Lord’s commission [Matt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15].  The movement of the gospel entailed: The filling with the Spirit – Acts 2:4 – you can’t even get started...

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Why Preach the Gospel, Mark 16:15

Why We Preach the Gospel Mark 16:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The answer to why preach the gospel is simple.  We preach the gospel because: The lost need the preaching of the gospel – Rom 10:13-14.  That’s how they are saved.  We are not Calvinists. We have been sent to preach...

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Beautiful Feet Is. 52:7

Beautiful Feet Is. 52:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Read with Rom 10:14-15.  When God speaks to us of preaching the word of God he does not emphasize the beautiful face, voice, personality, demeanor or dress of the preacher.  He mentions the beautiful feet.  That’s because his feet are shod with the...

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Search Me

Search Me O God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord searches us in order to reveal to us what is truly in us.  The purpose is to show us what’s wrong and then to lead us into something better.  His desire is to improve us; to make us better.  That’s why...

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Preparations for Jesus Return

Preparations for Jesus Return Titus 2 13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What should we be doing in anticipation of or in preparation for Jesus Return?  To prepare for Jesus return we should be: Looking for Him – Tit 2:13 – these days everyone is looking for the Tribulation and the antichrist and...

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