Who is Melchizedek? Gen 14:18

Who is Melchizedek? Gen. 14:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Abram returned from his victory over the kings of the East, he met Melchizedek.  He is a very interesting type of Christ in the Old Testament.  But who is he? Look at the comparisons between Melchizedek and Jesus Christ: Similarity                               ...

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What does our High Priest do for Us?

What does our High Priest do for Us? Hebrews 4:14-16 In this lesson we will study some of the things that Jesus Christ does for us as our great High Priest. We will also look at why the Lord Jesus is a merciful and faithful High Priest. Many of the...

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The Confessional, Prov 28:13

The Confessional Prov. 28:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are many who still believe that confessing your sins to a priest in a confessional is a true confession. But that’s not so. The confessional represents: A Feigned repentance – you make the confession and then feel the contrition until you go...

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Idols and Priest of Micah

Judges 17:1-13 The Young Man Became Micah’s Priest CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jud 17:1-13, we see something terribly wrong with the idols and priest of Micah.  Micah making these idols and consecrating this priest is what’s wrong with a religion doing this today.  In this passage, consecrating Micah’s priest entailed: The wrong concept...

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Some Problems With Idolatry, Jud 18:1-31

Jud 18:1-31 Some Problems with Idolatry CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Idolatry, in and of itself, is unlawful [Exodus 20:4-6] and consequential in that it continues through successive generations and incurs the wrath of God.  In this passage, the idolatry of Micah gets transferred to the Danites and ultimately leads to their downfall...

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Three Offerings, Lev 8:14-30

Three Offerings Lev. 8:14-30  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Aaron and his sons were consecrated Moses offered three offerings: the sin offering, the burnt offering and the consecration.  After their consecration, then they were able to minister in the priest’s office.  These three offerings illustrate three offerings that need to...

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Binding and Loosing, Matt 18:18

Binding and Loosing Matt. 18:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are three verses in the New Testament on binding and loosing or remitting and retaining.  These verses have been misinterpreted by the Catholic Church to “prove” that their traditions are of equal authority with the words of God and that...

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After The Order of Melchisedec, Heb 7

In Hebrews 7 Paul explains how Jesus Christ is a high priest who is greater than the Levitical priests who descended from Aaron.  Jesus Christ is a priest after the order of Melchisedec, v.1-3, Ps 110:4.   This is significant because: Melchisedec was a king, v.1-2.  His name means King...

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Is Peter “the Rock?”

Is Peter the rock? No. Jesus Christ is. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Peter is the rock upon which the church is built.  They get this from Matt 16:18 where Jesus said “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church.”  But Matt 16:18 is in...

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Aaron and His Sons, Lev 8

Aaron and His Sons Lev. 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Aaron and his sons are types of the Lord Jesus Christ, the high priest, and New Testament Christians, the royal priesthood.  Seeing these pictures of Jesus and New Testament Christians in Aaron and his sons might help you to find passages...

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