Delight in the Lord, Ps 37:4

Delight Thyself Also in the Lord Ps. 37:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ps 37:4 says, “Delight thyself also in the Lord…”  We find among Christians that the ones who grow the strongest and who are the most spiritual are the ones who delight themselves in the Lord.  To delight in...

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A Biblical Worldview, 2 Cor 4:18

A Biblical Worldview Our texts are 2 Cor 4:18 and Jn 7:24.  These texts show us to see things that are not seen and to judge by righteous judgment rather than by appearance.  To do this you need a Biblical worldview. Instead of looking directly at the things around us,...

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Reaction to Trials, Ps 18:6

Reaction to Trials Ps. 18:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you go through trouble, your reaction to trials should follow a Biblical pattern.  Otherwise, it is way too easy to get in the flesh and really mess up.  So, pattern your reaction to trials after the following: Cry out to God...

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Be Of Good Cheer, Matt 9:2

Be Of Good Cheer Matt 9:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Five times the Bible tells us to be of good cheer.  These five references are situated in the context of men dealing with difficulties.  Therefore, we can be encouraged to be of good cheer when we face difficult circumstances in our...

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Our Heavenly Father, Rom 8:14-16

On Father’s Day, why not celebrate our heavenly Father and thank him for his goodness.  These four things we preach about him are for his children.  If you haven’t yet received Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are not his child and he is not your Father.  However, if you...

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Through the Knowledge of God, 2 Pet 1:1-4

As the descendants of Adam, all of us are sinners by nature, and we are all appointed to die [Rom 5:12].  We know good and evil, but we don’t know God.  According to 2 Pet 1:1-4, when we are saved, we can obtain divine things through the knowledge of God. ...

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If Sinners Entice Thee

If Sinners Entice Thee Prov.1:10-19 To entice someone is to incite or instigate by exciting hope or desire; usually in a bad sense; to entice one to evil, to seduce; to lead astray; to induce to sin by promises or persuasions. In this passage Solomon clearly shows the promises and...

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Abundant Hope Rom. 15:13

Abundant Hope Rom. 15:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO With our abundant life in Christ we are also given abundant hope.  This is not a hope that is based on a chance.  This is hope established on the words of God.  We have abundant hope: In eternal life – Titus 1:2 –...

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Your Ministry of Prayer Luke 18:1

Your Ministry of Prayer Luke 18: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Every one of us has a ministry of prayer. Some of us have a great ministry and others have not much of one. Never the less all of have the capability to build a great ministry of prayer. Each...

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