The Desirability of Biblical Wisdom Prov. 3:13-26

The Desirability of Biblical Wisdom Prov. 3:13-26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Biblical wisdom comes from the Bible.  There are several of its benefits described in Prov 3 which make it desirable.  Wisdom is desirable because of its: Preciousness – Prov 3:13-15 – Biblical wisdom is more precious than rubies.  We talk...

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A Cheerful Countenance Prov. 15:13

A Cheerful Countenance Prov. 15:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all need a cheerful countenance that comes forth from a cheerful heart.  There is plenty of anger in the world, there is plenty of foolishness in the world.  We don’t need the world’s anger and we don’t need the world’s...

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Your Work Without

Your Work Without Prov.24:27-34   This passage reveals many valuable truths about your “work without”, your job or occupation. Your work without is a very valuable part of your life, not only because it supplies you an income but it is an example to others. Verse 27 simply states you...

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David Encouraged Himself in the Lord 1Sam. 30:1-6

David Encouraged Himself in the Lord 1Sam. 30:1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David was shocked when he saw Ziklag burned.  His family was gone, his city was burned, his possessions were stolen, his men were against him and he was away from his country.  He was literally all alone.  He was...

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Loaded with Benefits

Many people, when applying for a job, take into consideration not only the salary but the benefits.  Some people take jobs more for the benefits than they do anything else.  For instance, a woman whose husband is self-employed may take a particular job over another one because of the insurance...

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Three Reasons to Read The Bible Prov. 30: 5

Three Good Reasons to Read The Bible Prov. 30:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Right here in this verse we can find three reasons to read the Bible.  Reading the Bible gives you: Purity – Eph 5:26 – unto the pure all things are pure Tit 1:15 – Phil 4:8 –...

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Safety is of the Lord II Prov. 21: 31

Safety is of the Lord II Prov. 21:31  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Safety is of the Lord.  The cross reference for today is 2 Chr 20. This episode in Israel demonstrates as well as any passage or any event in history that safety is of the Lord.  We should endeavor...

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Safety is of the Lord Prov. 21: 31

Safety is of the Lord Prov. 21:31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We feel safer with a strong military but a military without the Lord can be decimated by a weak military with the Lord.  We are a safety conscious society.  We have OSHA, seat belts and air bags, preventative health care...

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The Purpose of Prayer II

The Purpose of Prayer II Acts 4 31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO On Wednesday, June 5, 2013, we taught on the purpose of prayer.  We didn’t finish the lesson, so tonight we will continue to study the purpose of prayer by examining the scriptures to see why we should pray.  Through prayer we...

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