Contentious Wife Prov. 21: 9

A Contentious Wife Prov. 21:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Read Prov 21:9 with Prov 21:19 and Prov 19:13b. The trouble in many marriages is caused by the man – but it takes two to make a marriage and often the trouble is caused by the wife – others rarely know her...

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Sin Prov. 21: 4

Sins Prov. 21:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible gives several direct definitions of sin.  Sin is: A high look, a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked – Prov 21:4 – the Lord will abase the proud and exalt the humble – in the case of plowing, the plowing...

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The King’s Heart Prov. 21: 1

The King’s Heart Prov. 21:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord turns the hearts of kings just like a river turns – seen rivers from the air, they twist and turn in every direction – so the Lord can and does move the hearts of kings – that’s how he makes...

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The Blueness of a Wound Prov. 20: 30

The Blueness of a Wound Prov. 20:30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In order to have physical health we need to sometimes undergo surgery or other painful experiences to remedy the problem – friends I know have had Appendectomy; Intestinal polyp removed; Chemo therapy; Neck surgery; Leg surgery; Stint; Tumor removal and...

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Man’s Goings Prov. 20: 24

Man’s Goings Prov. 20:24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This first part of this verse is not about an individual man’s personal path of life as much as it is about mankind’s goings [man’s goings are of the Lord – which is absolutely true because God made you] – the second part,...

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An Inheritance Prov. 20: 21

An Inheritance Prov. 20:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is a privilege from your parents to receive an inheritance.  It makes it so much easier to buy a car or make a down payment on a house or to have a supplemental income or to give abundantly to the Lord or...

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Cursing Your Parents Prov. 20: 20

Cursing Mom & Dad Prov. 20:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Instead of cursing your parents, you should follow what the Bible says.  The Bible gives you clear instructions about your relationship with mom and dad.  Moms and Dads have a good list of what the Lord expects from their children. Your...

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Bread of Deceit Prov. 20: 17

Bread of Deceit Prov. 20:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here’s the proverb concerning the bread of deceit: a man will feed you tasty food to deceive you which tastes good at first and then turns to gravel – it damages your teeth, it’s impossible to swallow, and it is incapable of...

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But the Lips of Knowledge Prov. 20: 15

But Lips of Knowledge Prov. 20:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb compares the lips of knowledge to gold and rubies.  The lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.  In other words, they are more valuable than rubies and gold. Gold – Gold is highly desirable and is touted as...

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Satisfied with Bread Prov. 20: 13

Satisfied With Bread Prov. 20:13  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb is very simple and shows a direct correlation between the amount of time you spend sleeping and your poverty.  Solomon says that if a man would open his eyes, he would be satisfied with bread.  In other words, opportunities...

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