Overthrowing the Land Prov. 29: 4

Overthrowing the Land Prov. 29: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible will tell you more about the current situation in your country today than five political science books and a working knowledge of current events. This one verse shows us that beyond question or any shadow of doubt our political...

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Often Reproved Prov. 29: 1

Often Reproved Prov. 29: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy.  Reproofs of instruction are the way of life (Prov 6:23). If you attend a true Bible believing church, there you will find reproof because reproof corrects...

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The Hiding Place Prov. 28: 28

The Hiding Place Prov. 28: 28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The doctrinal application of this passage predominately concerns the Tribulation when tribulation saints will hide themselves from the devil and the antichrist who are trying to kill them.  The first time we see man hiding himself is in Gen 3, when...

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Trust Not Your Own Heart Prov. 28: 26

Trusting Your Own Heart Prov 28: 26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool according to Prov 28:26.  This proverb is contrary to the world’s philosophy.  The world says that you need to trust your heart.  But you cannot because it is not trustworthy. ...

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Robbing Mom and Dad Prov. 28: 24

Robbing Mom & Dad Prov. 28: 24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 28:24, the destroyer is the devil – you are his companion when you are robbing Mom and Dad.  You must recognize that “It is a transgression” to do what you have done to them – therefore, you need...

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Favorable Rebuke Prov. 28: 23

Favorable Rebuke Prov. 28: 23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 28:23 shows you that flattery will give you favor right now whereas rebuke will give you favor later – and there will be more favor with rebuke than there will be with flattery. We don’t often give counsel on how to...

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Get Rich Quick Prov. 28: 20-22

Get Rich Quick Prov. 28: 20-22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You must understand something from Proverbs 28:20-22 – the trouble with get rich quick schemes is that they appeal to a flaw in your nature – you have an evil eye [Prov 28:22] that only sees profits and things it covets;...

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Plenty of Bread Prov. 28: 19

Plenty of Bread Prov. 28:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The clear teaching of Prov 28:19 is evident – you must work to eat – that’s what Paul said and that’s what your dad taught you or should have taught you – you have to work to have plenty of bread. Look...

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Training Children (Part 2)

Ephesians 6:1-3 When it comes to training children the second on our list of things God requires of children is obedience to their parents.  You may ask why are we teaching parents a commandment children are required to heed.  Well, it’s like doggy obedience school, training the dog is more...

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Capital Punishment Prov. 28: 17

Capital Punishment Prov. 28:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is about capital punishment. Here is the Bible’s take on capital punishment: Ex 20:13 says thou shalt not kill. Gen 9:5-6 says if a man is murdered his death is to be avenged by his brother. Num 35:13-25 says that if...

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