Breath and Spirit, Job 34:14-15

Breath and Spirit Job 34: 14-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are two things given to us by God, without which we would not be alive.  They are our breath and our spirit [Is 42:5].  Job 34:14-15 shows us that without spirit and breath we perish.  Ps 104:29 says, “thou takest...

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Lazarus, Jn 11:39-44

Lazarus Jn 11:39-44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Lazarus is an excellent type of a lost man who gets saved.  We see conversion in him and his resurrection.  Notice how salvation is seen in Lazarus as Jesus brings him from death to life. He was dead – Jn 11:39 – before you...

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Quickened Together With Christ, Eph 2:4-10

In Eph 2:4-10, Paul wrote about being quickened together with Christ, when we are saved.  Before we were saved, we walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, who is the devil.  However, now that we are saved, we are...

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Quickened Eph. 2:1-8

Eph 2 1-8 Quickened CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You were dead in trespasses and sins.  Now you are quickened, you are alive in Christ.  But you don’t really begin to live until your old man dies.  Many Christians are like a butterfly still stuck in its cocoon.  The quicker you die...

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