Judas Iscariot the Traitor, Lk 6:16

Judas Iscariot the Traitor Lk 6: 16  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Judas Iscariot is called a traitor in Luke 6:16.  He was a traitor who betrayed his master.  To betray someone is to deliver them to an enemy.  He betrayed Jesus as stated in Matt 10:4, where he is listed...

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The Evil Man, Prov 2:12-15

This week, we’ll study the men in Proverbs.  Today, we begin this series with a lesson on the evil man starting in Prov 2:12-15.  The evil man: Leaves the paths of uprightness – Prov 2:13 – a righteous man has to depart from the way of righteousness to enter the...

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The Truth About Rebellion

  The Truth About Rebellion Proverbs 13:13 Proverbs 13:13, speaks of rebellion. Numbers in the Bible have meanings. Thirteen is generally associated with sin and rebellion. The word “rebel” is in thirteen verses in the Bible. Gen. 13:13, speaks of rebellion. Judas Iscariot = 13 letters Mark 3:19 = 13...

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Not Ashamed

Not Ashamed Gen. 2:25               Adam and Eve were in the presence of God, naked, and not ashamed. Will you be able to stand one day before God and not be ashamed? Saved [Rom.14:10-12] or Lost [Rev.20:11-15] we will all stand before God. If you are a child of...

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What Was Wrong With Balaam Num. 22:6-35

What Was Wrong With Balaam Num. 22:6-35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Old Testament we see what was wrong with Balaam and in the New Testament we see what Balaam did wrong.  The New Testament identifies the way of Balaam, the doctrine of Balaam and the error of Balaam.  The...

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God Forbid Jos 22:29

God Forbid Joshua 22:29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO “God forbid” is often spoken as an oath.  Sometimes the expression, “God forbid,” can be very instructive to us.  The following passages provide us with a good topical outline for some things that should never happen in our lives. God forbid that we should...

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Why Children Dishonor Their Fathers Prov 30:11

Why Children Dishonor Their Fathers Prov. 30: 11. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Father’s Day.  It is more common today for children to dishonor their fathers than in prior generations in our country [Prov 30:11].  We see that this is a worldwide problem.  Before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, according...

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The path of Rebellion

The Path of Rebellion  (Nehemiah 9:17) The passage in Nehemiah that our text comes from is giving an account of Israel after they left Egypt. Many times Israel in the wilderness journeys disobey or rebelled against God and this is referenced in verse 17. In this lesson we will look...

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What Moved On? Num. 16:1-35

What Moved On? Num. 16: 1-35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What Moved On? Num.16:1-35 This chapter is the account of “The rebellion of Korah”, and how the earth opened and swallowed them up. By this time in the wilderness, Moses must have thought things were finally going to settle down. The...

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No Shame

No Shame Zeph. 3:5 The unjust knoweth no shame. We live in a world of no shame. Things that caused shame in days’ past are no longer a big deal. The problem is that the church is becoming more and more like the world. Christians today seem to have no...

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