Disobedience and rebellion of Saul

Disobedience and rebellion of Saul (1 Samuel 15:1-35) In this passage we see the rebellion of Saul through partial disobedience. Now Saul had trouble before as the word of God shows in 1 Samuel 13, but in this sin we see what cost him the kingdom. The story before us...

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Isaiah 65:1-16 A Rebellious Nation

A Rebellious Nation Is. 65:1-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Is 65:1-16 the Lord describes Israel as a rebellious nation because they wouldn’t listen to him, they wouldn’t respond to his calls and they disobeyed his commands.  As a result, many of them die by the sword and only the remnant...

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The Hearing Ear Prov. 20:12

The Hearing Ear Prov. 20:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord made the hearing ear; the purpose for it, therefore, is to hear.  But he didn’t put a gate on it, so you must guard what goes in it and what stays out.  He intended it so that we could hear –...

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Obey Your Authorities Deut. 11:18-20

Obey Your Authorities Deut. 11:18-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In life, the Lord has given you authorities to guide you, to protect you and to care for your well-being and the well-being of others.  You are to obey your authorities in this life.  When you do things will go well for you....

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Isaiah 31:1-9 The Lord Defends Jerusalem

The Lord Defends Jerusalem Is. 31 1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah 31 is a short chapter that explains what happens when the Lord defends Jerusalem.  It shows you why the Lord has to return and what he does when he gets here.  It will be easier for us to build a...

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Isaiah 30:1-17 The Rebellious Children

The Rebellious Children CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The first part of Isaiah 30 is about the rebellious children of Israel who run to Egypt for protection only to find that the nation on whom they depend can’t help them.  Only the Lord can help them and yet they will not...

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Isaiah 5:8-30 Six Woes

Six Woes Is 5: 8-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There could actually be seven woes in this passage but the seventh [v.24] doesn’t say “woe” – in fact, it is the root cause of the first six woes.  To study this passage in its entirety, we will first examine the woes...

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Isaiah 3:1-8 National Decay of Judah

National Decay of Judah Isaiah. 3: 1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When a nation starts going down, you will notice the same characteristics that you see inJudahin this passage.  When God begins his judgment, the trouble starts with the very basic necessities: bread and water.  These are the “stay.”  Without...

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An Altar at Shechem

An Altar at Shechem Gen 12: 1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Cities and regions in the Bible can be very significant because of the events that took place there.  Shechem is no exception.  When Abraham built an altar at Shechem, he established a type of the altar that you commonly see...

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