Isaiah 1:1-15 The Rebellious Nation

The Rebellious Nation Isaiah 1: 1-15  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah prophesied in Judah through the reigns of four kings: Uzziah [2 Ki 15:1, 2 Chr 26:1], Jotham [2 Ki 15:32, 2 Chr 27:1], Ahaz [2 Ki 16:1, 2 Chr 28:1] and Hezekiah [2 Ki 18:1, 2 Chr 29:1].  During...

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Saul’s Disobedience, 1 Sam 15:-22-23

1 Sam 15:22-23 Disobedience CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Obedience is the delight of God whereas sacrifice to just appease God so that disobedience can be continued is abomination – it is what is at the root of religion – in Gen 4:3 Cain was more religious than Abel but the reason...

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