Favorable Rebuke Prov. 28: 23

Favorable Rebuke Prov. 28: 23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 28:23 shows you that flattery will give you favor right now whereas rebuke will give you favor later – and there will be more favor with rebuke than there will be with flattery. We don’t often give counsel on how to...

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Open Rebuke and Faithful Words Prov. 27: 5-6

Open Rebuke and Faithful Words Prov. 27: 5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Open rebuke is better than secret love – open rebuke doesn’t cost you their love like you’re afraid it will.  Notice: Jesus openly rebuked Peter – Matt 16 but Peter loved him Jn 21 Paul openly rebuked Peter –...

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How to Spot a Scorner Prov. 14: 6

How to Spot a Scorner Prov.14:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Scorn – (n) open disrespect for a person or thing accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike – (v) to scorn is to look down on with disdain. Scorner – a person who expresses contempt by remarks or facial expressions; a...

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The Wise Man and the Scorner Prov. 9: 7-12

The Wise Man and the Scorner Prov. 9: 7-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been studying wise men.  They are God-fearing, holy men in v.10 and just men in the second half of v.9.  They receive multiplied days and increased years in v.11 as their benefit and reward here in...

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