Full Joy, Jn 16:23-24

Full Joy Jn. 16: 23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO At times, we experience full joy in our salvation.  This lesson will discuss those times so that you can have full joy.  On a recent Wednesday night, I preached on abundant joy which we get by being saved, being filled with the...

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What To Do With The Word, Ps 119:9-16

What to Do With the Word Ps.119:9-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ps 119 we find 22 sections identified by the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.  Each section has 8 verses.  All but three of the 176 verses in this Psalm contain a reference to the words of God.  The...

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Eat and Drink, Ecc 5:18-20

In Ecc 5:18, Solomon said that it is good and comely (suitable, proper) for one to eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor.  This is his portion. The basic reason that men work is to feed themselves, Prov 16:26.  Paul affirmed that if a man wouldn’t...

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Rejoice Evermore, 1 Thes 5:16

Paul’s specific instruction to Christians in 1 Thes 5:16 is that we “Rejoice evermore.”  Now I, certainly, have not obeyed this command all the time and I’m pretty sure that you haven’t either.  One reason is that we haven’t been doing the things that cause Christians to rejoice.    There...

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Glory in The Cross, Gal 6:14

Jesus went to the cross to pay for our sins.  Therefore, you can be saved because he died for you.  But if you want to really live, you must take up your cross, too, Lk 9:23. He’s not talking about taking up a cross as an emblem, like a crucifix...

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Reaction to Trials, Ps 18:6

Reaction to Trials Ps. 18:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you go through trouble, your reaction to trials should follow a Biblical pattern.  Otherwise, it is way too easy to get in the flesh and really mess up.  So, pattern your reaction to trials after the following: Cry out to God...

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What Can The Righteous Do, Ps 11:3

Ps 11:3, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do”?   The question sounds hopeless.  If the foundation of anything is destroyed, the whole structure built upon it is coming down.  You get the sense that if the foundations are destroyed, you must give up; there is nothing...

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Rejoicing in Hope, Rom 12:12

Rejoicing in Hope Rom. 12:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 12:12 Paul said that we should be rejoicing in hope. When you lose hope, you will sink in despair.  So, today we will see where you find hope so that you can be rejoicing in hope and not wallowing in...

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Stand Fast in the Lord, Phil 4:1-13

In Phil 4:1-13, the passage starts with stand fast in the Lord and ends with I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.  You say I’ve tried, but I can’t seem to stand fast.  And I don’t sense the strength in me to do ALL THINGS.  The rest...

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How to Live in Perilous Times, Hab 3:18

How to Live in Perilous Times Hab. 3:18 CLICK TITLE FOR  AUDIO There is no question that the world is in perilous times.  And the topic among Christians often concerns how to live in perilous times.  Some want to hunker down and await the coming “storm,” some want all the...

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