The Servants of God Win, Jer 37:5-10

The Servants of God Win in the End Jer. 37:5-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jer 37:5-10, Jerusalem was besieged by the Chaldeans and so the king of Judah requested help from the Egyptians. The Chaldeans departed from Jerusalem when Pharaoh came forth out of Egypt. Following the departure of the...

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Religion is Damnable, Acts 10:2

Religion Is Damnable Acts 10: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Religion is damnable because: Religious People Aren’t Saved In Acts 10, we read the account of the conversion of Cornelius and his household to Christ.  In Acts 10:34-35, we find that Cornelius had been working righteousness. And yet the Lord did...

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When Satan Attacks, 1 Pet 5:8

When Satan Attacks 1 Pet 5: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that the devil is a roaring lion… seeking whom he may devour [1 Pet 5:8].  He patiently waits for optimum times to attack.  Here are some of the more obvious times when you can expect the devil...

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Confidence in the Lord, Ps 27:1-3

Confidence in the Lord Ps. 27: 1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is Your Confidence in the Lord? When it comes to our life in the Lord, you must ask yourself this question.  In what or in whom am I placing my confidence.  Now, we are going to automatically say, “The Lord.” ...

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Forsake the Foolish, Prov 9:6

Forsake the Foolish Prov. 9:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wisdom, in Prov 9:6, says, “Forsake the foolish, and live, and go in the way of understanding.”  In order to live, you must: Forsake These Things: Foolish Religions Jesus is not a religious concept; he is God. And Jesus never established a...

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Snares, 2 Tim 2:26

Snares 2 Tim 2:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are a number of snares in the Bible of which you must be aware.  You can get hung in one of these and never get out.  Here are some snares for which to watch out: The snare of the devil – 1...

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People You Will Meet in Hell, Lk 16:23

People You Will Meet in Hell Lk 16:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The fact that you are listening to this radio broadcast today is really not an accident.  If you are saved, this sermon is a stark reminder to you that people who refuse to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ...

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Through Deceit They Refuse to Know Me, Jer 9:6

Through Deceit They Refuse to Know Me Jer. 9:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jer 9:6 the Lord said, Through deceit they refuse to know me.  That is men deceive themselves to keep from knowing God.  The question is, “By what means of deception do they refuse to know God?”  They...

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Does Your Religion Hold Water

Does Your Religion Hold Water John 4:6-39 This is a very famous passage of scripture. Jesus is dealing with the woman at the well in Samaria. In this sermon we are going to look at the response given by the woman and compare them with what religious people focus on...

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What is True Religion

What is True Religion : James 1:18-27 There are hundreds of religions in the world today with thousands of people claiming different religions or no religion at all. The media and the world that we live in today are constantly using the word religion without a clear understanding of what...

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