How To Repent, 2 Peter 3:9

How To Repent 2 Pet 3:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse says that God is willing that all should come to repentance.  You have heard the word repentance before and you may know something about it.  But the question is How to Repent.  What good is it if you can...

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The Next Step, 1 Sam 20:3

The Next Step 1 Sam 20:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David said, “There is but a step between me and death.”  It’s what you do with the next step that will determine the course of action you take or the outcome of the decisions you make.  The next step is crucial. ...

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“R” Bible Doctrines

“R” Bible Doctrines Acts 26:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are a number of Bible doctrines that start with the letter “R.”  Today, we’ll study these doctrines since some of them may be unfamiliar to you and since there may be some confusion about the others resulting from bad teaching.  These...

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God Is In Control, Job 12:16-25

God is in Control Job 12:16-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You and I hear over and over again that “We” need to do something about the condition of our country.  It’s all our fault, we are led to believe.  And then we are given various political strategies and objectives that...

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Sinners to Repentance, Mk 2:17

Sinners to Repentance Mk 2:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Pharisees questioned why Jesus ate and drank with publicans and sinners.  The answer is that the Lord calls sinners to repentance.  Notice: The Lord calls sinners – no need to clean up first and make yourself “look” presentable to the...

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A Head-on Collision with God, Acts 9:5

A Head-on Collision with God Acts 9:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul was living his life blamelessly [Phil 3:6] and with a good conscience toward God [Acts 23:1] that what he was doing was right.  But he was dead wrong.  Even witnessing the preaching and the death of Stephen and the...

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A Contrite Heart, Ps 51:17

Hearts Lacking Contrition You may wonder why the Lord deals so harshly with some people and not as much with others.  For instance, David’s sins required capital punishment, yet the Lord spared him.  The reason is that David had a contrite heart, Ps 51:17. Look in Acts 8:9-24 . Why...

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Repentance Salvation and Sin

Repentance and a Willingness to Give Up Sin 1 Cor. 15: 3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Repentance Salvation and Sin. We received the following email from one of our listeners.  “Hello, I have a question concerning Repentance. What if a person truly realizes he is on his way to hell...

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Safe and Sound, Lk 15:17-27

In Lk 15:27, when the elder brother inquired about the music and dancing at his father’s house, the servant said, “Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.”  Any of us who have children who have strayed from...

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Examine Your Integrity

Examine Your Integrity Are you standing in an even place? Ps.26 Introduction: Pray – Read Passage – Sermon title from verse 1 and 12 Integrity often confused with honesty – Davis Love III Illustration Integrity is soundness, wholeness, or unbroken state Something new is at the peak of Integrity –...

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