Isaiah 41:1-29 Israel’s Advantages Over Her Enemies

Israel’s Advantages Over Her Enemies Is 41:1-29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Isaiah 41 the Lord discloses Israel’s advantages over her enemies.  In v.1 the Lord invites her enemies to “come near together to judgment.”  He sizes them up in comparison to Israel and concludes that they are all vanity.  When...

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Isaiah 29:1-4 Ariel

Ariel Is. 29: 1-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This chapter runs along the familiar theme of God punishing Jerusalem during the Tribulation, then destroying their enemies at the Second Advent and then restoring Israel at the beginning of the millennium. Ariel in v.1 is Jerusalem “where David dwelt” but “woe” is...

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Isaiah 1:16-31 A Call and Declaration to Jerusalem

Isaiah 1:16-31 A Call and Declaration to Jerusalem CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jerusalem had strayed so far from the Lord that Isaiah had to preach to her the way a preacher has to preach to the lost.  He made a: Call to Righteousness – v.16-17 – Jerusalem was evil, so...

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