The Glorified Body

The Glorified Body 1 Corinthians 15:35-50 This lesson deals with the subject of the glorified body. This is the body that a saved person from the Church Age will receive when they are resurrected at the Rapture of the Church. Those who are saved and still alive at the Rapture...

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Your Life is Hid With Christ, Col 3:1-4

We are studying Col 3:1-4 today.  Col 3:3 says, “your life is hid with Christ in God.”  As you can see from this text, we are “with Christ in God.”  Since our life is hid with Christ in God, then: We are risen with him – Col 3:1 – When...

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The Glorified Body

The Glorified Body 1 Corinthians 15:35-50 This lesson will deal with the subject of the glorified body. This is the body that a saved person from the church age will receive when they are resurrected at the Rapture of the church. It is also the body that a saved person...

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