Captivity Captive Eph. 4:7-10

Ephesians 4:7-10 Captivity Captive CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Captivity captive is a reference to Jesus resurrecting the souls of the OT saints at his own resurrection.  They had been held in Abraham’s Bosom until then. Old Testament: Lk 16:19-31 In Abraham’s Bossom In Hell Lk 23:42-43 Paradise down there, Eph 4:9...

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In That Day Hag. 2:20-23

In That Day Hag. 2:20-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO At the 2nd Coming of Jesus there are three things that will happen in that day according to this text. First, God will overthrow the kingdoms. Second, God will destroy the militaries. Third, God will resurrect Israel. First – he chains up...

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Isaiah 49:1-26 I The Lord Am Thy Saviour

I The Lord Am Thy Saviour  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus Christ is the Savior of Israel.  In this chapter we read why he can surely say, I the Lord am thy Saviour.  Jesus is the Savior of Israel because: He was called by God from the womb to be their...

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Prophecy Fulfilled by Jesus Christ

Phopecy Fulfilled by Jesus Christ from Crucifixion to Resurrection Day John 13:19                   Your Bible, the word of God, is made of 66 books, written by 40 authors, over several thousand years. Yet there is prophecy of a Messiah, his life, his death, and his resurrection. Jesus Christ is...

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Isaiah 26:17-19 Salvation and Resurrection of Israel

Salvation and Resurrection of Israel Isaiah 26:17-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Last week we taught the basic outline of a moderate dispensational view of Bible prophecy.  This week, as we study this passage, we will build on this dispensational view which will help us understand the doctrinal application of Isaiah 26...

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Hope Deferred Prov. 13: 12

Hope Deferred Prov 13:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse is illustrated, for example, by a mother who receives word that her son is missing in action – her hope is that he is alive but there is not a certainty – so she has to wait for him – this...

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That Ye Might Believe

That Ye Might Believe CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO John said that he wrote about the signs in his gospel so that ye might believe.  There were many other signs about which he did not write.  However, he said that if you were to read about and believe the ones he recorded,...

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The Resurrection of Jesus Matt. 28:1

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is easiest to view the resurrection of Jesus from the perspective of the various characters that were involved.  The characters directly involved with the resurrection are: The Two Mary’s Matt 28:1 at first daylight, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of...

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Words Jesus Christ Gave to Peter and John John 21: 15-25

Word’s Jesus Christ Gave to Peter & John John 21:15-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson concerns things spoken by the Lord to Peter and John before the Lord’s ascension.  In this passage the first thing we see concerning Peter is his restoration to the ministry. Peter denied Jesus three times...

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The Report on the Resurrection, Jn 20:2-18

The Report on the Resurrection John 20: 2-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this study we are going to focus on the eyewitness accounts of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the disbelief of some who were a witness to it. In John 20:2 we see Mary running from...

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