The Arrival at the Tomb, Jn 20:1

The Arrival at the Tomb John 20 :1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO John only provides one verse for what we are going to study in this lesson, so we will be spending more time looking at the other three Gospels to supplement this singular verse. The supplemental verses are Luke 24:1-8,...

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The Day of Jesus Crucifixion, Jn 12:1

Reconcile John 12:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Date of Crucifixion Click this link for a concise Chart of the Date of the Crucifixion As you will see through this study there is no such thing as a Sunday triumphal entry called Palm Sunday or a date of crucifixion called Good Friday.  This...

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Groaned in the Spirit, Jn 11:28-46

Groaned in the Spirit John 11:28-46 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO “…called Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee.  As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly, and came unto him.” – John 11:28-29 In this passage Mary wasted no time in responding when Jesus...

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I Am The Resurrection, Jn 11:18-27

I Am The Resurrection John 11:18-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus Christ is life. Jesus raised Himself from the dead as well as other people and no one ever died around Jesus. In Jesus Christ, death is swallowed up in victory. He raised the dead – Matt. 11:4-5, Luke 7:11-15, Matt....

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Four Days Already, Jn 11:1-17

Four Days Already John 11:1-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The death of Lazarus and the 4 days that he spent in the grave are a metaphor concerning the Lord’s dealing with Israel.  To understand this we must look at the millennia throughout the history of man and some patterns we see...

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They Did Not Believe, Jn 6:22-46

They Did Not Believe John 6:22-46 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus had used the miracle of feeding the five thousand as an opportunity to get the Jews to believe that he is the one who could give them eternal life, not just temporal life from the bread.  But they didn’t believe...

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Life Beyond The Grave

Life Beyond the Grave Gen 1: 26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is there something in the words of God that should have caused even people in the Old Testament to know that there is life beyond the grave? Yes. In Gen1:26– God said, “let us make man in our image, after...

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The Power of His Resurrection, Phil 3:4-14

Philippians 3:4-14 The Power of His Resurrection CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to v. 10, we can live according to the power Christ’s resurrection.  The same power that raised him up is in us.  But you have to do some things to tap into it.  Would you like to live...

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The Resurrection of Lazarus

John 11, 12: 1-11 The Resurrection of Lazarus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Lazarus is an excellent picture of a lost man who gets saved.  Just look at all the wonderful typology. The Compassion of the Savior – 11:3 – the Lord loved him, Jn 3:16 The Character of the Sinner –...

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The Rapture 1Thes. 4:13-18

The Rapture CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Thes 4:13-18 the doctrine of the Rapture is very helpful for you as a Christian.  It: Gives you hope during your time of grief – v.13 – Paul wanted to make sure that we were not ignorant of this truth – people who...

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