Is there a general resurrection of the dead?

No. There is a false doctrine that professes that every human being will be present to stand before God at a general resurrection in the future.  This doctrine concerns the white throne judgment mentioned in Rev 20:11-15.  However, while there is certainly a resurrection of the dead to appear at...

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Eternal Security

When the Holy Spirit of God gives spiritual life to a new convert, he also does some other things for the new Christian that forever secure his salvation in Jesus Christ, so that he cannot  lose it after he is saved.  He circumcises the body of each Christian away from...

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Matthew 28:1-15 The Resurrection of Jesus

Matt 28:1-15 The Resurrection of Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is easiest to view the resurrection of Jesus from the perspective of the various characters that were involved. The characters directly involved with the resurrection are: The Two Mary’s Matt 28:1 at first daylight, Mary Magdalene and Mary the...

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