The Father Plainly Revealed, Jn 16:25-30

The Father Plainly Revealed John 16:25-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage it is important to understand the context. While the Disciples were with Jesus on earth they heard Him preach by parable and proverb many times. Some they understood while others escaped their comprehension (Matt. 15:10-16, Matt. 13:10-17). In...

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The Very Christ, Jn 7:25-39

The Very Christ John 7::25-39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are six ways to determine if Jesus was the very Christ in this text. The things that Jesus said in this text were spoken at the Feast of Tabernacles after the third Passover that Jesus had during His ministry. Within six...

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Search the Scriptures, Jn 5:39

Seacrhing the Scriptures John 5:39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many people will not search the scriptures for themselves. They would rather form their own opinions based on what other people have taught them.  This is very dangerous because second-hand doctrine may not be based on God’s word. Isaiah 6:9-10 describes a...

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Revelation “Sayings” Rev. 22:6-21

Rev 22:6-21 Sayings of the Prophecy, Sayings of the Lord  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Sayings of the Prophecy – in this passage we see their: Accuracy – v.6 “faithful and true” – the sayings of the prophecy are accurate, reliable, you can count on them to be fulfilled precisely...

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Jerusalem Glorified Rev. 22:1-15

City of Jerusalem Rev 22:1-15  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this chapter we see some characteristics of earthly Jerusalem during the millennial reign of Jesus.  In Revelation 21, we saw characteristics of New Jerusalem.  But this chapter tells us some about earthly Jerusalem.  We see that: v.1, 3 – The...

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New Jerusalem Rev. 21:9-27

The New Jerusalem Revelation 21:9-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lamb’s wife is a city [Revelation 21:10].  This presents a bit of a problem, at first, because the Lamb’s wife is the church [Ephesians 5:23-32].  But consider these details. Cities are typically called “she” and cities that are linked in...

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New Heaven and New Earth Rev. 21:1-8

Rev 21:1-8 It Is Done  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are certain things that are prophesied in this passage that are as good as done simply based on the fact that the Lord said they would happen.  In verse 6 the Lord says, “It is done” – he makes this...

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White Throne Judgment II Rev. 20:11-15

White Throne Judgment Part II Rev. 20:11-15  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The White Throne Judgment is God’s final judgment.  There are other judgments such as the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Judgment of Nations that take place before this judgment.  To place this judgment in its proper time frame, it...

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White Throne Judgment (Part 1) Rev. 20:11-15

White Throne Judgment Rev 20:11-15  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The White Throne Judgment is God’s final judgment.  There are other judgments such as the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Judgment of Nations that take place before this judgment.  To place this judgment in its proper time frame, it falls...

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KING of Kings Rev.20:1-10

The Devil Chained, The Saints Reign Revelation 20:1-10  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this chapter we find three main things, two of which we will study today.  We find the chaining of the devil for a thousand years and we find the rule of the Lord Jesus Christ and his...

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